View Full Version : another newbie

20-09-06, 21:11
Hi all. My name's Sean, 41yo guy, and I've been suffering from what appears to be panic attacks for the last couple of months. I've been referring to this site on a regular basis and have been really reassured by the posts on here so thank you all.

My first attack happened in the car whilst my g/f was driving. I think I felt some discomfort in my chest and before I knew it it felt the blood had drained from my head and my heart was about to explode. She got me to the hospital where for the next couple of hours in casualty my heart raced and thumped and I got pins and needles all up and down my arms. I was convinced I was having a heart attack despite the medical staff stating otherwise. Well they kept me in anyway to do some tests and they all came back negative....stress test, holter monitor everything incl the echocardiogram I had just a couple of weeks ago. Problem is that since then I am continuing to get them. Not as bad as that first one but I think I'm still not convinced there's nothing wrong and have had a tough time tonight. Once again I thought I felt some tightness in my chest and then before I knew it my heart's racing, pains in arms, back, legs, jaw....head feels like it's in a vice and really sharp pins and needles in the first 2 fingers on my left hand. All in all this has lasted about 2 hours now but funnily enough seems to be easing now I'm typing this out!

Well I just wanted to introduce myself and say thanks to all who's words on here have been of help to me these past few weeks and that I hope everyone here, with a bit of help from each other, eventually conquers this thing :)

20-09-06, 21:16
Hi Sean,

A big warm welcome to you. Everyone here is friendly and helpful.

Take Care


20-09-06, 21:31
Hi Sean

A BIG warm welcome to you !

Im sure you will find this site useful !



polly daydream
20-09-06, 21:45
Hi Sean and welcome to the forum. Yes it sounds very much like panic attacks, I am also having all the tests at the moment.

Best wishes,


20-09-06, 21:54
hi shean the same happened to me only a month ago i was in work when all of a sudden i felt really dizzy the pains in my chest down my arm and in my jaw i work in a hospital so i was in the right place one of are nurses took my bp and before i new it iwas wired up on heart monitor having injections in my stomach blood taken etc,i was kept in over night and i was so convinced i was having a heart attack and to be honest the doctors thought i was aswell so you can imagine wot it was like.anyway the following day i was told the results ruled out a heart attack but i had to go on a tred mill test to see wether it could be angina i got the results back and they were fine i was then seen by one of are consultants who told me it was stress related i had to tell him ive been having panic attacks for some time and i was finding it hard lately to cope with he reasured me that there was nothink medically wrong with me but like you im still not convinced and i really do think theres somethink wrong i carnt forget about the day i was rushed in and my panic attacks are just as bad so hun your not on your own i think weve just got to exept theres nothink medically wrong its hard i no.

t motown

20-09-06, 22:03
Thanks everyone for all the welcomes!

Tamla...sounds very similar. At least you were in a hospital...I thought I was gonna "kick it" sat in a traffic jam:D Seriously though, you take it easy pet and just keep reminding yourself that you got checked out and you're a-okay!

20-09-06, 22:12
hi sean,
welcome to the forum.

we are all stronger people after having this

20-09-06, 22:46
Hi Sean,

welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

20-09-06, 23:02
Hi Sean,you will get lots of advice here.when I had my first panic attack I was taken to hospital by ambulance,I thought I was dying.The symptoms are horrid.:(You are not alone in how you are feeling and you have come to the right place here,everyone is great.
Take care

Ellen XX

21-09-06, 08:35
hi sean, welcome to no more panic.

you will find this site really useful


21-09-06, 09:25
Hi and a big welcome

Hay x

21-09-06, 10:43
hi sean. i had my first attack like what u described, pins and needles in arms hands, even spread to my head! my first attack was in 2002. i too was rushed to hospital, thought i was dying! but it was a panic attack. it wasnt until a year later that i was diagnosed with anxiety. once you know what it is and what anxiety does to u, its easier to handle.
take care

21-09-06, 10:44
hi sean. i had my first attack like what u described, pins and needles in arms hands, even spread to my head! my first attack was in 2002. i too was rushed to hospital, thought i was dying! but it was a panic attack. it wasnt until a year later that i was diagnosed with anxiety. once you know what it is and what anxiety does to u, its easier to handle.
take care

21-09-06, 12:57
Hi Sean
welcome to NMP :), you have described the classic symptoms of panic, and although very frightening, they are harmless (hard to accept i know) but try and keep yourself focused on the possative, in that there are many many many people feeling exactly as you are today you're not alone and everyone here will do all they can to reassure you and help however they can.
If i can help in any way even if it's just to offload how you feel then feel free to mail me or message me

Take care
Sharon :)

23-09-06, 17:58
A big thanks once again to everyone for making me feel so welcome!

23-09-06, 20:05
hi sean

you sound like many of us on this site

i hope you feel at home


03-02-08, 20:36
hi sean i now how you fell have you ever suffered with depression i have been trying relaxtion it helps me you should try and see if it is any good for you.

03-02-08, 22:02
Hi Sean,
Welcome to NMP it's lovely to meet you :)
As many will tell you and you probebly already know one of the worst effects of anxiety is tightness in the chest and feeling like you are having a heart attack (which you're not) but i know that doesn't help, please try to think possative and stay focused on breathing deaply, this was one of the worst and most persistant things for me when my panic was very bad, but with breathng practice and not letting my mind run away i have far fewer chest pains these days and less worry.
Wish you all the best
Sharon :)

03-02-08, 22:17

Erm, this is a very old thread - Sean hasn't visited in over a year :blush: .


Pink Princess
04-02-08, 02:59

welcome to the site, take kare xxxxxxxx

06-02-08, 12:19

06-02-08, 21:56
Hi Sean

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help