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13-04-13, 11:34
Rice crispies!

13-04-13, 11:46
Miso shiru

13-04-13, 11:47
nothing feel sick

13-04-13, 12:14
Seeded brown toast with chocolate spread

13-04-13, 14:05
Oat so simple porridge. Golden syrup flavour!

13-04-13, 14:09
Alpen :)

13-04-13, 14:23
I had the same as violet - golden syrup flavour porridge and a handful of raspberries!

13-04-13, 14:56
All Bran. Every morning!!!!!

13-04-13, 15:19
Miso shiru

I just googled this & it's soup I believe?

---------- Post added at 15:19 ---------- Previous post was at 15:15 ----------

I like golden syrup tooooo much. I don't buy it anymore as I used to spoon it out of the tin!

Mrsnobody I hope u feel better soon.

Most mornings I have All Bran but today I had run out......

When I ate Alpen (which I haven't in years) I had to pick the fruit out as I don't like it...!!

13-04-13, 16:13
Frosties & ricicles. Real healthy here!

13-04-13, 16:14
Tasty all the same tho Edie!!

13-04-13, 16:17
Well I would have had Porridge if my silly cat hadn't jumped in the bowl and spilt it all over my bed!! I ended up with a cup of cold tea and a rich tea biscuit (I didn't have cold tea on purpose, just by the time I had sorted the bedding out the tea was cold!!

13-04-13, 19:44
All Bran. Every morning!!!!!



14-04-13, 04:12
Miso shiru (miso soup) is a common breakfast food in Japan. It's part of my weight containment strategy, as each serve of the instant variety that I make up contains only 30 kcal.

14-04-13, 04:21
A banana, a handful of blueberries, and rice milk mixed with a protein powder. Am on a detox diet.

14-04-13, 08:54
Well I had rice crispier again as I wanted something comforting as I have a cold. But it'll b bran flakes all the way for the rest of the week.....
Lilharry, that's v.healthy good luck with the detox!
Hanshan, soup for breakfast sounds weird. The oddest thing I ever had I think was pizza!

14-04-13, 10:02
Hello Tessar,

Wait until find what goes into miso shiru.

The base is miso, which is fermented soy bean paste that is salty but otherwise mild in flavour. Many varieties exist. This is added to a very mild fish stock derived from flakes of dried bonito. To this is added various ingredients - seaweed, chopped spring onion, tofu, small bread-like pieces or rings.

You should be able to buy instant miso shiru somewhere near you, but the quality varies between brands. Look for one that has separate sachets of miso paste and other ingredients.

14-04-13, 10:09
SpecialK red berries

14-04-13, 10:32
In the bowl this time and warm tea I take it, Annie???

14-04-13, 10:33
In the bowl this time and warm tea I take it, Annie???

Haha...yes :D

little wren
14-04-13, 11:41
Tried Alpen light this morning - wanted to reduce sugar as normally have fruit, orange juice and muller yoghurt - went on my 'fitnesspal' and see I have been eating WAY too much sugar for brek.

14-04-13, 11:45
Sugar puffs and coffee

14-04-13, 11:48
Cup of coffee nothing else.

14-04-13, 13:08
Kicked off my juicer with 5 apples, wheatgrass, 2 massive oranges, half a pinapple and 3 carrots. That made just over a pint and a half of vitamin packed juice.

14-04-13, 14:15
Tried Alpen light this morning - wanted to reduce sugar as normally have fruit, orange juice and muller yoghurt - went on my 'fitnesspal' and see I have been eating WAY too much sugar for brek.

That's interesting as they say there's too much sugar in alot of cereals, even the ones advertised as 'healthy'....

14-04-13, 14:22
I went for a berry smoothie today and belvita honey and nut biscuits - yummy! :)

14-04-13, 14:29
I might be able to manage healthy bran flakes but I can't do fruit juices or smoothies unfortunately, but they sound extra healthy

15-04-13, 15:24
Boiled egg with soldiers, yum!

16-04-13, 11:46
i'm back on the wagon, bran flakes the last 2 mornings.

16-04-13, 12:06
I went for peanut butter on toast this morning with a peppermint tea. Unusual combination I know :)

16-04-13, 13:01
I was naughty and had a doughnut :blush: felt I deserved a little treat :)

21-04-13, 07:59
Bekzie, my predictive text tries to change your name to "Belize", doh.
We all need treats sometimes, especially when we deserve them!

I have been on the bran flakes all week including today.

21-04-13, 13:32
I went for a banana and cup of tea today - very adventurous I know!

21-04-13, 13:42
As it's Sunday, breakfast ended up being more like lunchtime. I had an omelette. Yum :)

22-04-13, 21:30
Ran flakes all the way, oops I mean bran.

30-04-13, 13:47
Ran flakes all the way, oops I mean bran.

and again....:yesyes::yesyes:

30-04-13, 18:27
Bacon and Fried egg yesterday, scrambled eggs on toast today -yes I'm retired so I have time !!!

30-04-13, 18:47
McVities oat breakfast biscuits - not very exciting!

30-04-13, 18:53
Yohgurt--I was good today

30-04-13, 20:22
Oh no, yoghurt..... I can't stand the stuff.
I wouldn't be able to eat a full English as I'm veggie, I think also it might not agree with me (veggie version included) - even if I did have time, John!
I actually enjoy my bran flakes....at last a healthy thing I enjoy.
I haven't had any of those breakfast biscuits, trouble is, biscuits of any sort disappear inside me way too quick as aim have no willpower

01-05-13, 11:00
Cheese on toast today.

01-05-13, 13:43
flori, that's may fav. i have it in the evenings sometimes. yum yum yum

i had something different today, they were sainsburys equivalent to special k.
had a bit of sugar on it, which i wouldnt if i had bran flakes but these other things seem a bit anaemic without the sugar.

01-05-13, 14:55
1 large pizza was my breakfast lunch and dinner :doh:

01-05-13, 15:04
2 Weetabix with small spoon of sugar and skimmed milk, but the very best thing for people who suffer anxiety/panic attacks is porridge and banana.
Expert in our problems told me that years and years ago, helps regulate things in the body etc

01-05-13, 15:19
Tessar, Yours was healthier than mine.:)

Disco, Yours was worse,:ohmy:

03-05-13, 22:35
Cheese on toast today.

I had this for tea 2nite, with salad..... As ever brekky was........ Bran flakes..

Pizza for brekky? I had that once. In my bd old days I had crisps and chocolate for breakfast quite often!!!!! Arrrggghhhh all my sins are coming out now!!!!

jam angle (oh dear, I typed "jamangie" but my predictive text changed it)
I wish I liked bananas but I hate the taste and texture. If only there was a way that I could think of them and some other healthy things I don't like, as yummy!!!!

04-05-13, 13:52
I had gingerbread porridge and a weight watcher fromage frais. Yum! EJ

04-05-13, 15:20
I love cheese on toast with tomato sause yummmmie.
I always feel hungry late at night, in fact i cannot stop
eating then.
I had my usual boring all bran for breakfast
I have started to have a drink of cherry juice too.
I too don't like bananas, but like them with custard
for a pudding:)

04-05-13, 17:29
Whenever I have an anxiety episode or relapse, I always seem to go off my current breakfast cereal! I used to have Sainsbury's blueberry wheats, but since this morning I've changed to Kellogg's Corn Flakes. I managed to eat more for breakfast this morning, so that's a good sign. :)

04-05-13, 17:30
My partner eats blueberry wheats sometimes. Hopefully your day turned out ok, sparkle?

Today I had a change. Rice Krispies & then about an hour later, coffee and some toast with honey on.... Yum yum yum.

04-05-13, 17:49
I haven't eaten since yesterday.... When I had an apple.
When I'm feeling very anxious I can't stomach anything. :mad:

04-05-13, 18:19
Nothing. I rarely eat breakfast.

04-05-13, 18:21
I was naughty this morning. I hurt my back yesterday and I`m finding it difficult to move.
Box of chocs at bedside, so that was the first thing I had.:D

04-05-13, 18:33
I haven't eaten since yesterday.... When I had an apple.
When I'm feeling very anxious I can't stomach anything. :mad:

Oh no, jelly, what can we do to help you? You do need to eat as otherwise the whole vicious circle thing will make you less inclined to. What do you usually do if you aren't feeling like eating or re very anxious? Is there something you are able to manage a little of at times like this?

---------- Post added at 18:32 ---------- Previous post was at 18:31 ----------

Nothing. I rarely eat breakfast.

Ooh, I couldn't manage without it, I'd get heartburn and then a headache. I used to skip brekkie when I was younger tho

---------- Post added at 18:33 ---------- Previous post was at 18:32 ----------

I was naughty this morning. I hurt my back yesterday and I`m finding it difficult to move.
Box of chocs at bedside, so that was the first thing I had.:D

Haa haa Flori, I would say we have all done that, but then someone would probably say they haven't. I have!!!!

05-05-13, 12:51
Aww thanks for your concern Tessar - that's very sweet. I haven't eaten anything yet today but I am really going to try!
J x

05-05-13, 13:24
My partner eats blueberry wheats sometimes. Hopefully your day turned out ok, sparkle?

Today I had a change. Rice Krispies & then about an hour later, coffee and some toast with honey on.... Yum yum yum.

Hi Tessar, my day wasn't too bad in the end. Ever since the easter week, I've been dealing with a relapse in my anxiety. :weep: I go back to the doctor on Thursday.
I do like Rice Krispies and Ricicles but I find I get hungry again really quickly if I have those, so I hardly ever have them any more.

05-05-13, 20:08
Toasted crumpets.

Aw Jelly, I hope you managed to eat something. What about a yoghurt drink first thing, like actimel or similar. I find they are easy to get over.

Flori x

05-05-13, 21:25
Thanks Flori - I managed to eat a small bowl of cornflakes (for dinner!)
J x

05-05-13, 21:37
It`s not a lot Jelly, but I suppose it`s better than nothing. Hope your appetite picks up soon.
F x

05-05-13, 21:56
Thanks Flori - I managed to eat a small bowl of cornflakes (for dinner!)
J x

Yay, good news. I can go to bed happy:yahoo::bighug1:

05-05-13, 22:22
Aww you guys are so sweet! I'm sure I'll manage more tomorrow :hugs:
J x

06-05-13, 08:37
Morning all..... one consumed Toast with honey and then a nice cup of proper coffee ......

06-05-13, 09:16
Grilled butchers chipolatas and tomatoes with Soya Mochachino...outside in the sunshine.

06-05-13, 09:27
Good morning to you too Tessar, Ladybug and all.
Lucky you Lady, sitting in sunshine. It`s wet and cloudy where I am:weep:

Digestive biscuit, only because I had to get something in stomach before meds. Will have something more unhealthy and tasty for brunch:winks:

That`s me had late brekkie. Square sausage, potato scone, fried tomato and egg with slice of bread. Will have healthier one tomorrow.

06-05-13, 17:57
Ah, Ladybug we wanted to sit outside but it was still too chilly Here. We did sit outside with nice coffee when our friends came round this afternoon!

Err, that's no good, Flori, wet & cloudy; how jolly irritating:mad::mad:.
At least you had something for brekki & very wise not taking meds on an empty stomach, if I did that with mine these days I'd get heartburn from hell! Your brunch sounded great!:winks::winks: & There's always another day for eating healthier!

06-05-13, 20:56
Err, that's no good, Flori, wet & cloudy; how jolly irritating:mad::mad:.
At least you had something for brekki & very wise not taking meds on an empty stomach, if I did that with mine these days I'd get heartburn from hell! Your brunch sounded great!:winks::winks: & There's always another day for eating healthier![/QUOTE

Yes very tasty Tessar, but my waistband didn`t like it:ohmy:

10-05-13, 14:59
Aww you guys are so sweet! I'm sure I'll manage more tomorrow :hugs:J x

how are you doing jelly??????????????????

Today I had.... rice krispies..... it was a choice of those or special K & I fancied my krispies!!! Well, they were tasty though I did manage to spill a load on the kitchen floor at work!!!! That was after I had cut my finger while preparing our lunches! Oh & I nearly boiled my milk over in the microwave when I was making my coffee too!!!! I got there in the end.......

10-05-13, 15:03
A peach flavoured Greek yoghurt :)

10-05-13, 15:25
Rye bread, 2 bananas and a black coffee - I'm on a diet!!! xx

10-05-13, 17:01
i wish i liked bananas & yoghurt but i detest them! i am consuming 1/3 of a banana a day though in an innocent smoothie!

11-05-13, 22:49
I had an innocent smoothie, so beautiful the smoothie.

12-05-13, 17:51
Sounds good! I had Rice Krispies the last 2days but will be back on the bran flakes in the morning as I got some today.....

Anna C
12-05-13, 20:04
Weetabix with chopped banana.:)

13-05-13, 00:12
Muller Yoghurt with apricot and peaches pieces.

13-05-13, 09:32
sounds very healthy.......... speaking of which i did have my bran flakes, have moved onto a coffee now.......

13-05-13, 10:08
I will need to take bran flakes or cereal more often. I start off with good intentions. have them in cupboard, but don`t take them often enough and have to bin them because they go out of date. Anyone else waste their money like this.
Today I had small Actimel drink and slice of toast with spreading cheese.

13-05-13, 13:19
Your brekki today sounds good florie. I have been known to do the wasting food thing though my partner & I are getting it down to a fine art, such that our fridge is generally empty by saturday morning. We try only to buy what we need but it's taken us a few years to get there. Luckily I really do like Bran Flakes !!

13-05-13, 13:47
Porridge with blueberries

13-05-13, 14:32
I was naughty and had a small piece of leftover birthday cake and a cup of decaff tea :doh: Back to healthy eating tomorrow I think :blush:

13-05-13, 18:43
1 breakfast oat type biscuit and a cup of de-caff tea - pathetic really!

13-05-13, 18:47
toast & butter, a cup of tea

13-05-13, 18:58
1 breakfast oat type biscuit and a cup of de-caff tea - pathetic really!

There's nothing pathetic about your brekky at all. At least you had some, and decaff is meant to be better than full caffeinated

---------- Post added at 18:58 ---------- Previous post was at 18:57 ----------

I was naughty and had a small piece of leftover birthday cake and a cup of decaff tea :doh: Back to healthy eating tomorrow I think :blush:

Thats the sort of thing I would do!!!!!! I bet it was yummy -always best to make sure if you are going to be naughty that its worth it!

16-05-13, 21:13
innocent fruit juice, so lovely.

16-05-13, 21:19
Farleys Rusks....I just luv 'em!!!!!!!!!!! xx

16-05-13, 21:33
I drink innocent smoothie - mango & passion fruit (but not for brekky)

Ooooh fearless risks .... sorry, that is my predicted text.... .farleys rusks....I remember when my little brother was born, we used to pinch them (obviously not out if his mouth!!)

17-05-13, 09:05
Oh greedy Tessar :D, I remember the rusks. they sometimes were mashed down and put in babies bottles because milk alone never seemed to satisfy their hunger. Health visitors go mad at that now.

Todays breakfast toasted crumpets.

17-05-13, 09:10
it must have been an indication that i would always struggle with my weight, as i was in a big family it was light to had to fight for stuff sometimes (not that we ever went hungry) these days its hard to resist bad things since i can more or less have what I want.

crumpets are ok.... as ever on a weekday i have bran flakes, just finishing them now

17-05-13, 09:41
And healthier too.
Sorry I hope I never offended you there. There were 5 kids in our house. You`re right tessar, we never got what the kids of today get either. There wasn`t big bags of crisps, chocolate, juice etc stored in the cupboard permanently. That was treats when you got pocket money at the end of the week.

17-05-13, 09:49
Black coffee, apple slices & a banana...... still on a diet :wacko:!!!! Would kill for a bacon sarnie though. xxx

19-05-13, 12:11
A fry up. Bacon, potato scones,tomatoes and egg.

19-05-13, 15:21
And healthier too.
Sorry I hope I never offended you there. There were 5 kids in our house. You`re right tessar, we never got what the kids of today get either. There wasn`t big bags of crisps, chocolate, juice etc stored in the cupboard permanently. That was treats when you got pocket money at the end of the week.

No don't be daft, Flori, it's all a but of fun isn't it:D

We used to get 10p to go to the shop & get sweets every now & then. I really made the most of them that's for sure. This was a VERY long time ago when 10p got you a few things.... Crisps I recall at 2½p .......
I'm glad I was brought up when we had less because I really appreciate what I have & it's satisfying to know I've earned it too.

Today's brekky: weekend special..... Nice proper coffee & honey in toast, fresh uncut bread that is... Yum

---------- Post added at 15:21 ---------- Previous post was at 15:20 ----------

meche; very healthy..... i dont eat meat anymore but bacon is something I miss

19-05-13, 21:36
Roll and banana.

19-05-13, 21:39
Coffee and toast , same as every other morning. Must try something different someday. :)

19-05-13, 22:03
No don't be daft, Flori, it's all a but of fun isn't it:D

We used to get 10p to go to the shop & get sweets every now & then. I really made the most of them that's for sure. This was a VERY long time ago when 10p got you a few things.... Crisps I recall at 2½p .......
I'm glad I was brought up when we had less because I really appreciate what I have & it's satisfying to know I've earned it too.

Today's brekky: weekend special..... Nice proper coffee & honey in toast, fresh uncut bread that is... Yum

---------- Post added at 15:21 ---------- Previous post was at 15:20 ----------

meche; very healthy..... i dont eat meat anymore but bacon is something I miss
I remember a penny caramel. On a Friday when dad got paid-I got a sixpence to go to the shops. Jings , It`s that long ago, I don`t know what it is in todays money. Funny Tessar, how did our parents cope. They never seemed to be stressed like us.

19-05-13, 22:42
I had gingerbread porridge, a banana and a fromage frais. Plus lots of black coffee EJ

20-05-13, 07:04
Today I had 1 banana, 2 fejoas, 2 mandarins, 1 passionfruit, yoghurt with fibre supplement, oat granola and a slice of toast! The beginning of my new healthy diet.

20-05-13, 09:08
Lilharry I have learned something new today, while eating my bran flakes, I looked up "fejoas"....! That's a very healthy brekki you had I must say! Good luck with the healthy eating.

20-05-13, 12:13
Healthy today ..Wholemeal wrap with Turkey Ham and Quark plus Soya Mochachino with sweetners. Followed by my meds, vits , supplements.


26-05-13, 10:04
Rice Krispies, sitting in the us outside. Then coffee & a pecan twist... Naughty but nice. Yum

26-05-13, 10:16
One slice buttered wholemeal toast with scrambled eggs (over done the eggs though lol) one banana, two cups tea in bed haha.

26-05-13, 10:28
Frosties, haven't had frosties in ages.

26-05-13, 15:58
Granola, yes Granola, the sort that frightens aliens away!

26-05-13, 18:45
I don't eat granola, good job I don't have any aliens eh?
I just watched the advert, I quite like those aliens!!!!

29-05-13, 11:31
change of plan, had a nutrigrain bar as i was too nervous to eat my bran flakes.

02-06-13, 13:31
Had a banana about eight. Then about 10:30 had two peanut butter toasted muffins and a lovely cup of coffee. Really enjoyed it actually .

02-06-13, 13:57
special K with choc bits in it, some sliced strawberries and skimmed milk.

02-06-13, 16:53
Glad to hear you enjoyed it Emma!
Spot-the-Frog: My partner eats special K, we did try the choc one I think ... but I generally prefer my bran flakes.
today though I had normal special k & a nice coffee, yum. we were able to sit in the garden as it was warm enough. yipeee.

02-06-13, 18:29
Brown Toast, butter, grilled tomatoes and Norfolk Butchers Chipolatas. And a Decaff Coffee. (it is Sunday!)

04-06-13, 11:30
Special K, sliced banana and strawberries with skimmed milk......

04-06-13, 12:13
bran flakes & anice cup of coffee

04-06-13, 17:24
a slice of homemade bread and butter, a cup of tea.

12-06-13, 11:42
How easy is it to make your own bread yvonne? I've not done it since i was little (& that was a lifetime ago).

I sinned this morning; I'd been to counselling & forgot to take a cereal bar with me for brekki. So when I got petrol I picked up a kitkat. I know this isnt the best thing to eat but i was so hungry and I had period pains so really needed food so i could take painkillers. I think this was kind of a necessary sin but I did pick the least bad thing in the shop! And I know you shouldnt have painkillers on an empty stomach. So I was kind of looking after myself. It'll be bran flakes all the way tomorrow.

12-06-13, 16:33
Oh Tessar, you are allowed to sin now and again, and you did right eating something before taking meds. I must be real bad lots of times:D

Had 2 boiled eggs mixed with butter on 2 slices of bread.

12-06-13, 17:06

making homemade bread is easy. once you know how to, its easy. I made a loaf of bread last night, for breakfast I had homemade bread and raw butter. lovely.

16-06-13, 16:54
Yvonne..... that sounds very yummy!!!

I had toast (a nice uncut loaf with seeds in) and honey for brekkie this morning!!!! Then a nice cup of coffee to round it off!!!!

23-06-13, 21:02
Bran flakes!

I have a plan..... We're on holiday (self-catering) so I have been looking for somewhere to go for breakfast! I have found at least two places we could go!!

24-06-13, 11:03
Oats and more (almonds) with sliced strawberries and skimmed milk

24-06-13, 11:31
Waitrose fried fish balls

Granny Primark
24-06-13, 11:44
Cheddar crackers with salsa dip.
fish balls ricardo? I didnt know that fish had balls.:winks::D

24-06-13, 12:10
I won't go down that route Lynn :ohmy: but it's true.Very nice with a potato salad .

24-06-13, 12:11
Pancake and maple syrup:)

24-06-13, 12:12
Gingerbread porridge , fromage frais and a banana. EJ

Granny Primark
24-06-13, 17:24
Coming round your house tomorrow flori for breakfast.
In stoke on trent we have oatcakes. They have oatcake shops everywhere. They arent sweet they are like pancakes and you can have them with bacon, sausage, eggs, mushrooms, cheese, tomatoes,mushrooms on.:yesyes:

24-06-13, 19:22
cup of tea and roll and potatoe scone, not had one in a long time.

24-06-13, 19:48
Cheddar crackers with salsa dip.
fish balls ricardo? I didnt know that fish had balls.:winks::D

Haa haa haa haa haa haa!!!!!!!!!

Yes, as Ricardo said, best not go down that route!!!!

---------- Post added at 19:48 ---------- Previous post was at 19:47 ----------

Pancake and maple syrup:)

Now u r talkin' !!!

25-06-13, 18:08
Same as every morning a plain old Apple

25-06-13, 18:16
Ooh an apple? That wouldnt fill me up enough.. I'd need more....

25-06-13, 18:27
Coming round your house tomorrow flori for breakfast.
In stoke on trent we have oatcakes. They have oatcake shops everywhere. They arent sweet they are like pancakes and you can have them with bacon, sausage, eggs, mushrooms, cheese, tomatoes,mushrooms on.:yesyes:

lol granny. I`ve tried oatcakes, but never seen an oatcake shop. They must be popular where you are.

Had honey on toast this morning. I`ve got a sweet tooth. Bar of mint filled chocolate was the first thing I spied when I got up, but I never gave into temptation:D

---------- Post added at 18:27 ---------- Previous post was at 18:23 ----------

[QUOTE=Tessar;1178882]Ooh an apple? That wouldnt fill me up enough.. I'd need more....[/QUOTE

Me neither Tessar,

That`s why I`m piling on the weight:D

25-06-13, 18:30
Eeek, Flori......! But u did well not giving in to temptation.....

After my bran flakes, my partner & I shared a toasted crust this morning and we put honey on it. We r going to have some later as well. Yummy yummy

25-06-13, 18:34
Eeek, Flori......! But u did well not giving in to temptation.....

After my bran flakes, my partner & I shared a toasted crust this morning and we put honey on it. We r going to have some later as well. Yummy yummy
What do you mean a toasted crust Tessar

25-06-13, 18:43
Mince pie

25-06-13, 18:51
Mince pie


I had the same as yesterday :yesyes:

26-06-13, 09:33
What do you mean a toasted crust Tessar

honey on toast again this morning.

26-06-13, 19:31
What do you mean a toasted crust Tessar

Just a crust off our loaf, which we toasted. I hope to have toast and honey tomorrow morning!!!! It's yummy yummy in my tummy.

The oddest thing I had for brekky might be pizza or perhaps tinned spaghetti but I don't think the latter is that bad, the worst I had was several choccy bars and a massive load if crisps!! That was a few years ago now and when I wasn't eating properly!!

27-06-13, 21:06
Yummy toast and honey. Was able to sit outside to eat as well (we r on holiday)..

28-06-13, 00:08

Just a crust off our loaf, which we toasted. I hope to have toast and honey tomorrow morning!!!! It's yummy yummy in my tummy.

The oddest thing I had for brekky might be pizza or perhaps tinned spaghetti but I don't think the latter is that bad, the worst I had was several choccy bars and a massive load if crisps!! That was a few years ago now and when I wasn't eating properly!!

Oh Tessar,

A crust to us Scots, is the end of a slice of bread. I thought it rather odd that you and your partner would share a crust:D A plain loaf of bread has a thick crust and a pan loaf thinner crusts.

I`ve had many odd things for breakfast, curry, pizza ,choccy .:blush:

I had honey on toast too this morning. Glad you enjoyed yours. Oh and enjoy your holiday.

28-06-13, 08:07
Yeah I guess we use it to describe any of the crust on a loaf. Even the bits around a slice!

Had bran flakes.....outside again. Last day of holiday :-( go home 2moro

28-06-13, 09:45
Honey on toast again !

Oh then I was naughty, had a Fry`s cream already and it`s not even 10. I`m getting ashamed of myself. Oh so greedy when it comes to chocolate. Need to stop buying it.If I don`t have it I wont eat it.

28-06-13, 10:57
Ooh an apple? That wouldnt fill me up enough.. I'd need more....

lol It's is a big apple:D

And that is it until dinner hehe

28-06-13, 11:04
Crumpets with Bertolli spread. :)

28-06-13, 11:50
nutty and seeded museli with soya milk and decaff tea with soya

28-06-13, 19:35
Toast n peanut butter.
Cheerios .

29-06-13, 23:51
Toast and eggs today.

30-06-13, 00:23

30-06-13, 09:31
Don't know.
Don't fancy anything.
Don't want fruit, toast, eggs, bacon, cereal, yoghurt:(
Might just have a cuppa

30-06-13, 09:50

Ohhhh noooooo..... I don't do banananas.... But today I had bran flakes with a bit of all bran red berry crunch to jazz it up. Now I have a nice cup of coffee and a bit of cake!!!!

30-06-13, 13:25
Slice of square sausage, 2 potato scones and egg.

01-07-13, 10:52
Three slices Philly cheese on brown toast. Yummy. Two cups tea.

01-07-13, 11:34
OatsSoSimple - Golden Syrup/Prozac variety. :)

01-07-13, 12:37
Bacon, egg, cherry tomatoes, pork and leek sausage, hash browns, mushrooms....I wish :)
Hmmm very small bowl of cornflakes and mug of coffee :mad:

01-07-13, 21:46
menopausalminnie; you had me going there for a minute!!!!

04-07-13, 12:25
roll and potatoe scone with cuppa tea.

04-07-13, 16:58
Toast with Bertolli spread.

04-07-13, 20:42
Bran flakes all the way, followed by coffee

04-07-13, 22:25
I cant suffer breakfast so only have a cup of tea.

04-07-13, 23:14

04-07-13, 23:46
Toast with Bertolli spread.


What is Bertolli spread?

Bran flakes all the way, followed by coffee


Bran flakes all the way, is that a new kind of breakfast? what does that mean? I'm only curious.

05-07-13, 01:09
Mornflake Hawaiian oat granola. I just discovered this stuff last weekend, it's the best cereal I've ever had.

06-07-13, 08:44
Mini fruit and nut weetabix. One banana.
One glass water
Two cups tea

06-07-13, 14:18
Tessar,Bran flakes all the way, is that a new kind of breakfast? what does that mean? I'm only curious.

That's just me being silly, in other words bran flakes, bran flakes & nothing but bran flakes.... (I had to google what the expression "all the way" means.... "from the beginning to the end; the entire distance, from start to finish").

Again I had bran flakes today. No surprise there then, but I am reckoning on toast with honey in the morning as we got a yummy uncut loaf today....

06-07-13, 16:34
Cup of tea and some honey toast x

06-07-13, 23:03
Kallo organic rice cake thins and bottle of water.

07-07-13, 14:48
Yay toast with honey and coffee

07-07-13, 15:26
cheesy scrambled eggs on turkey ham with cappuccino ..."tis sunday."

07-07-13, 15:41
toast with lemon marmalade and a nice cuppa

10-07-13, 09:35
Strawberries, a little later some homemade bread and a cuppa.

12-07-13, 06:26
Marmite on toast. Cuppa tea. :)

12-07-13, 09:20
Wholegrain toast, Bertolli Olive Oil spread and a scraping of Golden Shred marmalade. I was missing my Dad (he died 18 years ago!) and bought a tiny jar in his honour the other day. He used to make me little toast triangles when I was a little girl and we woke on Saturdays before anybody else. :)

12-07-13, 09:23
Awww Speranza; i think that's lovely that you were remembering your Dad like this. It's such a brilliant thing to do. Did it feel like you were still sharing them with him?

Yesterday I had special k (didnt have any branflakes at home). Today I was back on the bran flakes.

13-07-13, 01:16
Plain Porridge. I used to eat rice krispies and cornflakes a lot but they are High GI, but porridge is good for cholesterol apparently and low GI so keeps your blood sugar even. Few years ago I was always eating things like coco pops and cheerios, wheetos and other sugary things, I miss them sometimes!

13-07-13, 08:14
Porridge is ok mike but I'd be bad and want sugar on it! I used to like the sweetened cereals so much, I'd et them straight out of the packet like sweets! Terrible, thankfully I have developed a liking of bran flakes, although they still have sugar and other naughty things in!

13-07-13, 08:46
I`m another one who likes too many sweet tasting breakfast food.

I chopped an apple and melon, added a small amount of maple syrup and fresh cream. Sounds disgusting , but tasted good.

14-07-13, 01:49
I had homemade bread with banana with fruit juice this morning.

no dont sound disgusting Flori, sounds lovely.

14-07-13, 09:05
Bran flakes, Victoria sandwich cake and nice coffee

16-07-13, 23:42
a slice of homemade banana bread

Daisy Sue
16-07-13, 23:47
Special K cereal with fat free yoghurt - I'm trying really hard to be good :D

17-07-13, 20:44
Treacle homemade scone with glass of milk.

17-07-13, 20:57
Costa coffee and 2 ginger biscuits

17-07-13, 21:27
Oooh, some tasty things her!!!

21-07-13, 21:59
muesli grapefruit, mixed fruit and yoghurt, and toast, fresh orange juice and a cup of tea.

21-07-13, 22:05
Toast with honey and a yummy cup of coffee

24-07-13, 09:48
Mini fruit and nut weetabix with banana on top. Two cups tea. Wish we had some orange juice with bits in though really fancy a glass.

24-07-13, 09:51
my usual is a bowl of mixed fruit (apples, grapes, kiwi, orange, banana and peaches) and then a bowl of coco pops because i'm still a little kid inside :blush:

24-07-13, 10:25
Love coco pops!

24-07-13, 14:03
a change from the norm today; 1/2 a slice of toast with honey and a nice coffee. I deserved a treat as i'd been to see my counsellor.... was able to sit outside before heading off to work. children's cereals are great eh? I used to eat sugar puffs without milk!!!! had to stop buying them as they were too tempting!!

24-07-13, 18:24
homemade bread and butter, fresh Innocent juice a couple of scones.

24-07-13, 19:00
A banana

28-07-13, 01:10
two oranges

28-07-13, 08:08
Toast with honey.... Then some coffee shortly & maybe, just maybe a bit of cake

04-08-13, 08:34
Can never make it perfect. Never tastes the same twice does it! Lol.

---------- Post added at 08:34 ---------- Previous post was at 06:39 ----------

Now enjoying bacon n egg muffins. Coffee and orange juice! Yum.
Although to much milk in this coffee lol.

04-08-13, 09:16
Toast honey and nice coffee

04-08-13, 09:19
Crunchy nut, it's been a while. And tea of course.
I find if I put honey on toast it goes kind of...crusty?

04-08-13, 14:20
My toast was gooey.... it was nice thick stuff!

05-08-13, 17:44
Oatmeal with milk and cinnamon. Simple, filling and good. Don't forget the salt.

08-08-13, 13:35
1/2 of a slice of banana bread and bottle of water.

08-08-13, 13:46
1 porridge breakfast biscuit and a cup of tea......

08-08-13, 15:12
Black coffee, 2 boiled eggs & a banana.

08-08-13, 16:37

11-08-13, 12:00
Scrambled eggs, mushrooms and tinned plum tomatoes.

11-08-13, 12:01
Overnight oats, fruit, greek yoghurt, milk and honey.

11-08-13, 14:08
Egg and potato scone.

11-08-13, 14:37
Rice Krispies, crumpets with butter.

12-08-13, 18:45
2 slices of banana bread & water

17-08-13, 21:51
Toast & honey

17-08-13, 22:24
slice of bread and butter and glass of water.

18-08-13, 10:46
Tea, tea and more tea.
Peanut butter and banana on seeded toasted bread.

18-08-13, 13:27
bacon, sausage, egg, beans and hash browns :)

19-08-13, 13:51
1/2 glass of milk.

20-08-13, 19:42
Porridge,fromage frais and a nectarine chopped into the top.EJ

20-08-13, 20:24
smoothie (banana and grapes), was different.

20-08-13, 22:07
Coffee & granola bar

23-08-13, 13:43
2 hard boiled eggs. Banana. Tea.

25-08-13, 17:21
Late breakfast/early lunch.
Popped in tescos on way home from friends. Got a ham, cheese and mayo sandwich, banana milkshake, banana and water.

25-08-13, 17:52
Good old Bran flakes!

27-08-13, 07:03
Muller corner. Banana. Apricot.
Can't stomach anything else.

01-09-13, 21:12
Bran flakes

02-09-13, 16:07
banana and strawberries smoothie.

02-09-13, 19:03
Potato cakes.

02-09-13, 21:56

02-09-13, 22:43

Yummy for breakfast, is that a new breakfast :shrug:

03-09-13, 06:09
Dorset honey oats granola with milk and sliced banana.

03-09-13, 09:18
Dorset honey oats granola with milk and sliced banana.
you were up early!!!!

03-09-13, 11:44
I had scrambled egg on toast with a side of mushrooms, I have only just managed to get scrambled egg right haha.

03-09-13, 18:34
Two poached eggs on toast

03-09-13, 18:45
Haha tessar.
Yurp early bird. Have to get up between 5:30-6 for work :(.
Used to sleep till 12 on weekends but now can't sleep past 7/8 at latest as sooo used to it.

03-09-13, 21:06
I'd often stay in bed til afternoon on a weekend when I was a teenager or in my early 20's but then I'd been late up the night before! Can't stay in bed behind about 7.30 even on weekends or I suffer....

04-09-13, 18:45
Yep i am same. Although am 19.
Rice Krispies, banana, orange juice this morning.

04-09-13, 21:19
This morning I had toast with marmite and butter on it.

04-09-13, 21:48
Oh no marmite!!!! I eat twiglets and/or toast but dot do marmite :-)

04-09-13, 21:55
A boiled egg and a slice of toast with marmite. My favourite :)

04-09-13, 22:06
MORE marmite....:scared15:

04-09-13, 22:10
MORE marmite....:scared15:

You just can't have a boiled egg without marmite on the toast to dunk :shrug: :)

04-09-13, 22:22
Arrgghhhhhh ...

05-09-13, 06:17
I sometimes have scrambled of fried or eggs on marmite on toast lol. Never thought to have boiled :)
Today was
Tea, Rice Krispies, banana, orange juice.
I need the energy first thing.
Never used to have breakfast before but now I can't go without it.
I do find I tend to skip dinner now though and have become a breakfast and lunch person now.
I just love breakfast foods. Cereal, fruit, yoghurt, toast, eggs, bacon etc. but not a fan of dinners like salad, cottage pie etc and by the time I'm home from work (6pm) leaving at 6:30am I don't feel like cooking so make sure I eat in the mornings instead.

05-09-13, 07:44
Forcing down some cornflakes. They do chocolate flavour which is a bonus!

05-09-13, 11:04
roll potato scone, and a cuppa tea.

05-09-13, 14:08
honey cheerios with milk and a glass of orange juice.
Don't really like cereal but Im trying to eat one that's fortified with all the extra vitamins and iron etc (hence the orange juice too)

07-09-13, 08:12
good for you hangingbasket, trying to make sure you get your vitamins.
I had bran flakes this morning. lucky for me I actually like them!

07-09-13, 12:33
4 fried eggs and pepperoni

07-09-13, 23:31
Three forkfuls of slightly dried pasta and pesto left over from yesterday. Wonderful.

08-09-13, 11:21
banana, blackberries, some vanilla yoghurt, a cup of milk made into a milkshake.

08-09-13, 22:33
Waaah, some odd combinations going on here!

08-09-13, 23:05
Waaah, some odd combinations going on here!

yeah I know, weird taste I have...lol

09-09-13, 06:01
Been awake since 4:30 :yesyes: so had some coffee and now just had

fruit and nut mini weetabix. Slice of toast. Banana and strawberry smoothie :roflmao:

10-09-13, 18:06
Brown toast with peanut butter.

10-09-13, 18:15
Was a brave girly and went to whetherspoons on my own for a sausage bap and OJ.

10-09-13, 20:54
Arggghhhh bananana, peanut butter...... I am under attack......
:lac: :scared15: :lac: :lac: :scared15: :lac:

Moley.... U did really well..... :flowers::flowers::flowers:

blue moon
11-09-13, 13:07
Avocado on toast,water with lemon

18-09-13, 21:44
B-r-a-n f-l-a-k-e-s

18-09-13, 21:51
Porridge with blueberries and banana. Awesome :D