View Full Version : iron deficent

13-04-13, 13:58
I've been feeling ill for a while and drs said everyhing was fine. I went to a private gp andhe said my ferritin was alittl3 low , so he tested my saturates and that was low, which meant I was iron deficent anemic
my gp wud not give me iron tablets, but I'm worried as to why I'm like this as it says cud be bleeding somewhere , i havnt had a period for 8mmonths but wheni did have them they were heavy, I had them once before but I hadcoffee or tea when taking them, then I stopped and wasn't tested again. I was given a endoscopy incase I had a bleeding ulcerbut havnt been givena colonoscopy do u think I need one ?

13-04-13, 16:20
If your doctor hasn't given you iron tablets, it must not be low enough to worry about. I am sure it will not be anything to do with internal bleeding, you would have had other symptoms by now. Just try to eat a diet with plenty of iron in and it should improve. x