View Full Version : Can't get my finger on need some advice...

13-04-13, 17:09

I'm new to the forum I searched for some answers and came across it.

I was on Citalopram 10mg for about 4 years and I gave then up in November and it wasn't too hard and I came off them easily.

I have been feeling great up until 3 weeks ago where I had a fever and gastric issues followed by constipation and chest pains which seems weird because none of these are related.

After all this I started getting a very heavy and painful headache like the one you get when you miss Citalopram for a few days or forget to take it. This lasted for 3 days and then I got a dull pain around my forehead and the top and it's remained constant even when I sleep and wake up the next day.

I have tried paracetamol my doctor said give it 2 weeks and I can try ibuprofen and if it's not better I should consider going back on Citalopram. I went to see another doctor as mine was not available and he has given me co-codamol to take for 3 days and they have helped a bit and the pain in my head has gone mild. When I take these tablets after a while the pain goes completely but I can feel a slight burning sensation round the sides of my head.

Should I give it another week or so as it has been 2 weeks and it has been really bad but I have been taking one day at a time and have been very patient.

Do you think this is depression or just the fact that I have been generally feeling unwell lately?

Anyone else had anything like this happen to them or are these just classic Citalopram symptoms or something else.

Any help or advice would be much appreciated.

Thank you

---------- Post added at 17:09 ---------- Previous post was at 15:20 ----------

Any advice guys? I I guess I should have given this thread a better title

13-04-13, 19:41
Hi, see your doctor if you're concerned. It's very likely you're suffering from a tension headache. They can be numbing or grating and are very difficult to shift with painkillers. If you have a migraine, you will also feel the effects for days. Not every migraine offers immediate, agonising pain, there are different kinds of migraine.

EDIT: It's unlikely you are having withdrawal effects after 5 months. They normally start about a week after stopping cit and persist for a max of 7 weeks in most cases. Also, 10mg is a very low dose which probably accounts for the lack of side effects (and any lack of benefits as well).

13-04-13, 19:47
I will see my doctor if this continues. My pharmacist said it's probably a tension headache and also advised me to try ibuprofen but they didn't do much when the effect of the pain killers wears off the pain starts up again.

How are you supposed to shift tension headache I've tried a few things and it won't go completely

13-04-13, 19:53
The only effective way to remove tension headaches is to relax. The longer you stay stressed, the longer you will experience them.

Try simply facing yourself in a mirror and taking long, full breaths, inflating your abdomen. When you breathe out, smile.

This is extremely weird at first and will feel false. It doesn't matter. Keep doing it until you get used to it and one day it won't feel false any more - you'll probably enjoy it and find comfort in the sight of your smile.

While you're doing this, let all the muscles in your body go loose. Again, this is weird, but it is doable with practice and it will become one of the most formidable weapons you've got against the illness. Keep reminding yourself that relaxing is good for you and it's okay to take some time just to breathe and smile.

Try to get used to breathing and relaxing like this whenever you can, as it's common for people with anxiety-based conditions to take rapid, shallow breaths, which prepares the body and mind for fight-or-flight which is the opposite of what you want.

The headaches won't go away at first. There is no magic switch. You need to up-skill yourself if you want to beat them.

13-04-13, 20:01
I will give this a try and I will consult my doctor if there is no improvement

Is there any specific medication for this?

I think my doctor wants me to go back on Citalopram which I don't really want to do

16-04-13, 17:17
I have been to see my doctor and I have been given propranolol to help my headache.

She said I should try it for 2 weeks and see how I feel. Rather than going back on Citalopram I thought I should give these ago as I don't think I am depressed or in a way like I was when I started Citalopram.

I am worrying about 1 or 2 things but they are just thongs going on in life nothing bad just have to wait and see how the issues pan out

I am going to start the propranolol tomorrow I do hope it helps any advice