View Full Version : Worst attack ever

13-04-13, 16:06
Hello everybody

First of all I'm so glad to have found this site. In a nutshell I've been feeling very low for 5 months and have been having terrible panic attacks as well as dizziness, brain fog, intrusive and violent thoughts, blurred vision etc. This week I woke up with the worst one ever, I felt as if my heart was going to leap out of my chest, I was shaking violently, rushing thoughts in my brain etc. Since then I feel as if I've changed and am so worried I won't feel normal again. I'd been doing better and then this happens. I've investigated Candida but the tests came back negative. I've been to A&E and the doctor so many times but they keep diagnosing different ailments such as IBS, depression, gastritis and have either given me medication which hasn't helped at all or prescribed Prozac which I was loathe to take until last week. I'd only taken three before this horrible episode. Today I went to the doctor and he's ordered blood tests, brain scan and told me to go to the opticians to get my eyes checked out (blurred vision and floaters).

Another but possibly unrelated symptom is that whenever I drink, no matter how much, I get the most awful hangovers that last for days. I've stopped drinking but this is miserable for a sociable 22 year old.

I wonder if anybody else has had such violent symptoms? I wonder if I shouldn't just keep taking the Prozac or could this have been a bad reaction? Be very glad to hear from you....

13-04-13, 17:58
i never used prozac personally , i was prescribed 2mg diazapem which were great but im now immune to them

14-04-13, 17:30
Thank you for replying. Just wondering, did you experience similar symptoms?