View Full Version : Headache for more than 3 weeks? Normal?

Anxiety Jim
13-04-13, 19:59

Some of you may have seen my post a little over a week ago saying I've been having headaches and speech problems for 2 weeks, and a 'headache' behind my right eye. Well they're both still there.

I saw my GP on Thursday, he had a look at my optical discs with a scope thing, and said they looked OK. And said it was reassuring that I've had similar headaches before. When I have had them before it's only been for 1 or 2 days, not over 3 weeks solid!

For the last 3 days I've also been getting 'flashes' in both of my eyes, like flashes or blurriness if that makes sense.

I'm now terrified that I've got a brain tumour. My Dr did look concerned when I said I'd had it for 3 weeks.

Anyone had anything similar? I originally thought MS, but now my mind has jumped to brain tumour. :-(


EDIT: I'm also spending a lot of time on the macmillan website, looking at end of life care etc, I'm getting very upset :-(

13-04-13, 20:20
If you have seen the doctor I think he would have recommended some investigations if he was concerned. try and distract yourself. I know how difficult it is. I have been there so many times and have read all the stuff you're reading. If you have had similar headaches before and they have gone away then they probably will this time too. Take care.

13-04-13, 21:08
Sorry to hear you're suffering with headaches.

Do you find it goes when you're busy and not thinking of it? If your GP was concerned he would have definitely investigated further.

I've suffered with headaches lasting a few weeks, usually it starts with a tension headache likely triggered by stress, I then notice it more as it lasts longer than usual and then I focus on it. So literally as soon as I wake in the morning, I am so focused on this one specific pain that of course it is there, because I am obsessing over it and stressing myself out.

Have you tried relaxation techniques?

I am sure once you try to not think of it all the time, which is easier said than done I know, that you will find it probably is your HA making it seem worse than it really is.

Don't go on the cancer websites - that will only add more stress ontop of your worries.

Try and keep busy. It's amazing how our minds can play tricks on us!

Chin up

13-04-13, 23:06
Are you taking lots of painkillers for it? If so, it could be a rebound headache.

13-04-13, 23:14
Hiya jim I had a headache everyday for 5 months I was convinced it was bad I still get the head aches along with my face going numb and twitches I get ear pain with it eye pain I no how you feel x

Anxiety Jim
14-04-13, 01:28
Hi everyone, thanks for all your input.

The thing that's got me most worried is that it's been constant for over 3 weeks now. And it's always worse in the morning.

I've not tried any relaxation techniques, I don't like being in silence because I can feel/hear my heart, as odd as that sounds.

I've not had painkillers very often in my life, and I've not been taking many with this headache, at most 2 paracetamol a day.

I'm not looking forward to sleeping because I know I'll be greeted with a worse headache in the morning :-( and I always have the fear that I'll never wake up...

14-04-13, 08:42
I had a headache for three months once! It was worse in the morning too. I was away for the summer so couldn't see a doctor for quite a long time. Eventually my doctor told me it was from tense neck muscles and gave me a book of exercises which really sorted it out. It didn't feel like a tension headache at the time and I was convinced I had a brain tumor, but I had basically got into a vicious circle of worry and tension. Also the relaxation recordings where you download relaxation or hypnosis mp3 s are amazing, so you could try that.

14-04-13, 08:51
Hi jim the pain I had in my head used to wake me up it ho so severe I couldn't lift my head off the pillow I went to the doctors as you do he said fine nothing was wrong went to the opticians they said everything was good it used to burn on 1 side it was horrible I get head ache alot really x

Anxiety Jim
14-04-13, 18:13
Hi again,

The headache is still here today, it goes through ups and downs in the pain throughout the day, as usual it was worse in the morning.

The pain does go from my eye to the lower back of my head, so maybe it is to do with my neck, but I asked the GP about it being posture/neck related and he said no. :-S