View Full Version : Feel stupid. My HA is on a roll tonight!

13-04-13, 20:47
So today I was at my 9 Year old Son's cup final day at the football club he plays for. Nothin unusual about that...

That was until a big leather ball came pelting towards my right side of my head ( smack on my ear! ) without warning and dazed me! It hurt, mainly my ear and made me feel a bit shaken. Now I am off on one thinking I could suffer a brain haemorrhage and die.

My husband told me to stop being silly and that many people including footballers get smacked in the head with balls.

I of course think it will be serious.


13-04-13, 20:49
Awww no that sucks!!

It's always when I'm doing something fun that HA strikes! I know it's easy for me to say but you're going to be just fine and you'll no doubt wake up tomorrow and chuckle about it!

13-04-13, 20:59
Thank you! I was having a ball ( no pun intended! ) until that happened, then it ruined the rest of the day, as it was always at the back of my mind.

I usually control my HA reasonably well, I have the odd wobble, but sometimes like today it takes a hold and I fear it taking over my life again.

It's so frustrating!

13-04-13, 21:03
I hate them days. You know you are going to be fine, try and relax :)

13-04-13, 21:07
It is frustrating especially when you know it's utterly rediculous

13-04-13, 21:10
Yes and when I hear myself and read what I put I see how ridiculous it is. If only my brain would register that then all would be well!!

13-04-13, 21:13
Oh I know that feeling... Much like many thoughts I have but that's the nature of the best eh?

Incidentally... Did his team win?

13-04-13, 21:20
They played 4 mini tournaments, won 1, drew 2, lost 1. Then lost their cup final game! But they had fun, even if the rain came and made it miserable for a couple of hours! He got some trophies so was thrilled!

13-04-13, 21:21
Well hey focus on that happiness and know that there will be many many more days like this to come :-)