View Full Version : Doing well!

21-09-06, 09:07
Hello to everyone that knows me (sounds like I'm on the radio lol!)

I just wanted to let you all know that I am doing well.... CBT has made a huge difference to my life, I genuinely feel supported and like I am making progress.

Sarah is going to have a transplant on 7th November. It's the mis-match donor we hoped for in July but got a virus - she is now fully recovered and we are going ahead. She has also been very involved in promoting the need to find a donor for a little boy who needs a transplant in Hove (Keiton Knight) who I am sure some of you will have heard about in the papers/news.

I have reduced my working hours to 24 and get a little working tax credit which is making life a little more manageable.

And of course my lovely dog Jet brings joy to my life every day.

I still struggle with bouts of anxiety, depression and my (ever increasing!) list of ailments, but as part of my CBT I am avoiding focussing on the negatives.

Thank you to so many people who have supported me here - I haven't left, it's just not helpful for me to come here at the moment. I will be back - hopefully when I am stronger to support others!

Loads and loads of love to all of you, especially those behind the scenes who run this wonderful site and the special friends I have made here.


We CAN recover :D:D:D:D:D:D[8D][8D][8D][8D]

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

21-09-06, 09:24
what a lovely post.
So pleased for you hun. Take care and best wishes for Sarah.
All fingers and toes crossed.

Good luck on your ongoing journey!

Hay x

21-09-06, 09:47

It's lovely to hear from you mate and sounding so positive too :D:D:D

Great news about Sarah's treatment going ahead on the 7th we all wish her all the best with that :D

I came across a pic of Jed in my msn the other day and it made me laugh to see it - he really is the squeeziest dog ever I just want to eat him. Are you sure he wasn't knitted specially to order? :D

Take care hun and keeping popping by for a brew anytime - its great to hear your progress.

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

21-09-06, 11:37
Hi Fee,

I'm so pleased things are working out. You are doing so well hun. I'm so pleased about Sarahs treatment to I hope all goes well.

Take care & keep up the good work.

Love & Wishes,

Pip's X X X X


21-09-06, 14:06

So good to hear everything is going well for you and your family, and it is so good you came on to tell everyone as posts like yours give others hope.

Well done mate

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

21-09-06, 18:08
Hi Fee

Great to hear from you and I am so pleased to hear that you are doing so well. You are often in my thoughts.

The CBT sounds like it is working out well. I am on a waiting list for some private CBT and hope I don't have to wait too long. At least is shows that the therapist is good at what she does and her and her husband actually train other therapists so I think it will be worth the wait.

Good news too about Sarah's transplant. I hope it all goes well.

Thanks for coming back and letting us know how well you are doing.

Karen xx

21-09-06, 23:33
Hi Fee,

So good to see such a lovely post from you mate. I think about you so much and miss you lots.

I'm so pleased the CBT is helping you, you sound so positive [8D] I can't tell you how happy I am for you :D.

Great news about Sarah's transplant, I wish her all the very best with that, she is an amazing inspirational lady. I will be thinking about you all and hoping it goes well.

Take care and keep in touch as and when you feel able. You can always email be anytime if you don't want to come here and you ever need to talk.

Thanks for all your friendship and support too, you have helped me so much. Maybe we can both recover eh?!

Big hugs for you and give Jed a pat for me too.

Lots of love,

Lisa x

22-09-06, 18:29
Hi Feege,

glad to hear things are going so well for you. Sounds like youre doing great.

Hope Sarahs transplant goes well...wish her all the best!

Take care

Coni X

24-09-06, 22:59
So fabulous to hear from you Fee. Not only that, but you are really making progress and to hear that a donor is now lined up for Sarah is the icing on the cake.

Onwards and Upwards[8D]



And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers