View Full Version : Anybody feel this way?

13-04-13, 21:58
So i have been having panic attack's and anxiety problems for a while now . I just Can't go out with my friends and be social , I'm only 19 and i stopped drinking alcohol cause i feel it effects me more , Its not fair i just want to be a normal teenager and go out and have fun with my friends doing the stuff i did before this problem started .

Soon to be happy
13-04-13, 23:44
Hi greenday,
You're not alone. I'm new to this site and feel the same way as you - am starting to alienate myself from my friends just because I find it hard to go out and then I get anxious because I feel like I'm losing friends. I hope you find some good info on this site to help you! If you do, let me know!

14-04-13, 10:06
Have you had any therapy to help like CBT? There is a link to a free online course called CBT4Panic. I cant find the link at the moment as I am using phone but searc it on this site.

14-04-13, 19:24
I too have had to quit alcohol due anxiety and depression. I found that the anxiety and depression got much better but the self pity and emptiness got much worse. I would look at people in pubs or clubbing and be furious, that goes in time though.