View Full Version : Worrying about so many things!!

14-04-13, 04:20
I'm really worried right now about a few things:-

-Lung Cancer
-Brain Tumour
-Dementia/Something Neurological
-Heart Problem

My reasons for worrying about the above are:-

-A lot of headaches, mainly starting 2/3 hours after waking up.
-Feeling sick all the time.
-Very bad lightheadedness/Feeling dizzy/Balance issues
-Feeling weak.
-Left leg seems very weak/keep getting twitching in the left thigh.
-A lot of pain in the right side of the chest and also left shoulder pain when I breath
-Becoming very forgetful/doing stupid things lately and not remembering doing them and also getting a bit confused.

I have had quite a few tests done since November 2012 including.

-Barium Swallow which showed a Hiatus Hernia but nothing else (Nov 2012)
-A Spine MRI which was all normal (Feb 2013)
-A Panendoscopy which was normal (April 2013)
-Chest X Ray all normal (January 2013)
-Several ECGs since November probably around 6 in total.

Hoping to have some Blood Test done shortly.

I'm 33 I'm not sure what I'm worried about the most but I feel like I'm very ill or going mad.