View Full Version : Dreading work tomorrow

14-04-13, 11:06
Hi guys hope you are all doing ok

After 3 weeks off with anxiety brought on after having a mini stroke in Feb I am returning to that place tomorrow called work

It has been on my mind for days and frankly am scared to death

I have had so many lapses this past year hardly done a full month since November and as I work in a small firm I know extra hassle for other staff

Have had one capability meeting in Jan so I think i will get my marching orders tomorrow - have been there 17 years

Have some tamazepam for morning but i know am in for a rough time

Any advice fellow brave souls?

Mike x

14-04-13, 12:14
My advice would be to just jump in and pretend that you"re murdering it.

If that doesn't work, look for ways to resign and take up a less stressful job.

14-04-13, 19:13
If you have been there for 17 years they can't just ask you to leave. If they do then you should get advise from your union or ACAS.

14-04-13, 20:45
good look for tomorrow:hugs:

how old are you mikejames?, my friend had a mini stroke at a young age and years down the line he is doing really well and living life to the full. he suffered anxity for a while as he was worried it would happen again but with good cbt he is enjoying life again. hope it helps to knoe that there are people out there who get through this and it does get better

14-04-13, 22:06
good luck for tomorrow.....just remember whatever is meant for you won't pass you and things happen for a reason. I left my very stressful job after 17 years last year and moved to a less stressful one and can honestly say I never felt better. However GP started to reduce my meds so experiencing a bit of a relapse. However I know it will get better and I just need to regain my origional positivity.
Again good luck for tomorrow xxx

14-04-13, 22:08
You will be fine when you get there. I'm off at the moment and dreading returning but i was the exact same last year. Off for a good few months, then the week before returning i was really tempted just not to go back. Once i got in there everything was fine, and people being really nice.. so just power on and you'll be fine.

15-04-13, 09:15
thanks guys for your replies - have managed to get here and at least I still have an office ! Waiting for my back to work meeting - joy of joys - so will see what happens then


15-04-13, 11:04
Hi Mike

I am a trade union official at work - if you want some advice feel free to drop me a PM and I'll get back to you.

If you have been in your job for 17 years then the situation might possibly be rescuable.


15-04-13, 14:16
well am still here and not been marched out of the building!

Back to work meet seemed ok although it was pointed out that my absence has been appalling this year and I am unreliable but I agree on both counts

Also pointed out that is was expecting a mini stroke this year either which seemed to shut them up

All seems a bit too good and rushed as they had to go to meetings so looks like more chats tomorrow

thanks all for your support


16-04-13, 15:35
well am still here and not been marched out of the building!

Back to work meet seemed ok although it was pointed out that my absence has been appalling this year and I am unreliable but I agree on both counts

Also pointed out that is was expecting a mini stroke this year either which seemed to shut them up

All seems a bit too good and rushed as they had to go to meetings so looks like more chats tomorrow

thanks all for your support


I've had some comments from my boss as well about being off ill. I really don't understand it.. you are ill what do they expect you to do? Don't let them harrass you over it mate.