View Full Version : Was it a panic attack or PMS?

14-04-13, 11:58
I suffer from generalized anxiety, trying to control it with different methods and generally ~I can lead a fairly calm life. There are times specially when symptoms come out of the blue that I start panicking but I always try to divert my anxiety and not ending with a panic attack. Before my periods I am uber anxious and get bouts of sadness, palpitations, feelings that ~I am on edge, but I have always attributed the symptoms to my periods and managed to calm down saying to myself that they will eventually pass. But this last time just before my period I went for my daily walk of 1 and 1/3 hours which I always religiously do,and out of the blue ~I had a huge dizzy spell, I was very hot as the temperatures have risen quite suddenly in my area, but I have experienced it before and I didn't have that feeling. My friend asked me to hold onto her and we walked slowly home. My legs were like jelly, my heart was racing and my mouth extremely dry, all I felt was fear and that I was just away from death, I kept thinking about ambulances, panic, heart attack my panic was so big I haven't felt like that since I suffered from panic attacks back fourteen years ago. When I got home I started spotting like my period was just about to come. It came the day after, and I haven't stopped asking myself if what I had was a panic attack or PMS symptom I don't know I am very confused. Hopefully someone can advice me. Thanks in advance.

14-04-13, 12:35
Could it be a hypoglycemic drop? I get these if I have consumed too much sugar, all of a sudden my glucose levels plummet when I haven't had any for a couple of hours. I cut down on the amount sugar I consume and this really helped, I also carry a Marsbar around with me just in case this happens, I know it can be quite frightening.

16-04-13, 05:15
I can't wholly relate as I've not had an anxiety attack before my period, but I do get them during my period. My best advice would be to talk to a GP and tell him/her. I used to find the combined pill practically nulled my anxiety around the time of my period but the progesterone-only pill makes it worse. I've had a few of those panic attacks you describe too, one of which was in a Tesco store. I was telling myself at the time "this is it, I'm going to die", I'm still here. It's just anxiety x

16-04-13, 08:01
i been noting down when i been feeling really anxious and when i have a panic attack , it seems to have been 2 weeks after my period im really anxious and 2 weeks before im sort of ok , this sounds as though im in the middle . sorry/confusing.I went to the doctors and told them ,had bloods for thyroid /full blood count and all come back normal. Doctor says im too young to be on the change ,im 36 , but im finding myself having the hot flushes ,which i dont know are due to hormones or a start of an attack ,.....

16-04-13, 20:10
All of my anxiety, panic, dizziness stem from Pms and hormones! Keep a detailed diary tracking your symptoms and the day in your cycle and consider hormone testing at the time when you are having problems. Mine is the 10 days prior to menstruation and testing shows I have no progesterone. A lot of people use yaz for Pms issues - various studies done if you search on the Internet. Failing that ssri's are first line treatment for pmdd/pms