View Full Version : Going on holiday tomorrow!

21-09-06, 09:20
Hi everyone!

I just wanted to tell you that I'm going on holiday tomorrow!

Usually before a big event my anxiety is so bad I DREAD the build up, (especially if it involves a motorway journey!) but I have to say this time I'm really looking forward to it! I find I'm actually enjoying the anticipation - a first for me! This might not sound like a lot :-) but to me it is amazing!

The Claire Weekes books are coming with me tho! As is my NMP wristband!!!

I know it's early days yet and I'm still sensitized but I haven't panicked (or been too anxious) all week and although I may have setbacks I'm feeling confident I can face, accept and float through! Time will pass and I CAN handle it!

Love to you all! And thank you all for all your help and advice!

21-09-06, 18:29
Hope you have a good holiday Neebie. It sounds like you are well prepared. Have a great time.


I love you in place where there's no space or time
I love you for in my life you are a friend of mine
And when my life is over remember when we were together
We were alone and I was singing this song for you

~The Carpenters~

21-09-06, 19:12
Hi Neebie,

I hope you have a great holiday. Let us know all about the fun you've had when you get back.

Take Care


polly daydream
22-09-06, 11:23
Hi Neebie, have a great time and well done for being so positive!!!

Take care,

Polly x

22-09-06, 12:00
Well done neebie, hope you have a great time!!!

take care,

kaz x

22-09-06, 12:09
have a lovely time x

Hay x

01-10-06, 13:32
Hi Everyone!

I'm BACK from holiday!

I just want to say that I've had a really great time on holiday with my family! I was even OK on the motorway (that's a first for me!) although I did have a few squirts of Rescue Remedy before we set off!

I went to a little fishing village in Cornwall - miles from anything! Really did me good to have a total change of scenery! I feel a lot less anxious and tired and much more energised!

At last the citalopram side effects have calmed down (after 4 weeks) and I feel almost like my old self! (except maybe a bit wiser and perhaps with a bit better understanding of myself?)

In the last month I have given up caffeine, cut down on sugary foods, have been taking more exercise and cut right down on alcoholic drinks and I do feel much better for it!

I have also been reading Claire Weekes - Essential Help for your Nerves over and over so I will hopefully remember it if I have another panic attack, but I'm not so scared of having one as I was and now I feel a lot more confident about how to handle them.

I hope you are all having a good day today and I would like to thank you all for the help and support you have given me. At my worst this site was like a candle in the darkness to me.

Thank you all


01-10-06, 14:15
Hey Neebie,

Glad you had a good time. Keep up the good work.

Take Care


01-10-06, 15:47
Hi Neebie,

Glad you had a good time

Hugs to you
