View Full Version : How bad is your chest pain?

14-04-13, 17:56
If anybody experiences chest pain with their anxiety, how bad is the pain? I have an on and off twinging in the centre of my chest and of course I think it is something bad. I'm stressing so much I'm worried I will put this chest pain down to my anxiety and it wi be a heart attack and I will miss it. Someone please any advice would be good :weep:

---------- Post added at 17:56 ---------- Previous post was at 14:56 ----------

I'm so tired of being scared of everything :weep:

14-04-13, 20:54
always get chest pain checked out and only put it down to anxity when gp says thats what it is. i get chest pain alot, ectopic beats etc. there are alot of people on here that are helpful and are going through the same thing. keep posting and hope you feel better soon

14-04-13, 20:59
Thanks for your reply its not really a pain, I think I just moved wrong. I have had a cold for the last week and have been coughing, I have also been getting the twinges in my back and ribs but to be honest it is hardly anything. I'm just so tired of being scared about everything, it's wearing me down :hugs:

14-04-13, 21:07
i know how you feel. i went through a period where i worried about my heart, the weather, even stuff like am i using the right bag for work. it drives you mad

14-04-13, 21:13
Definitely driving me mad, just wish I could go back to thinking normally again :weep:

14-04-13, 21:24
me too, we will get there one day. whats with pic of guy off emerdale???

14-04-13, 21:53
Haha cheers me up :)

14-04-13, 21:55
id love to live in a village like emerdale.

14-04-13, 21:58
Yeah so would I, minus the murders hehe x

15-04-13, 08:45
I used to have chest pain but after trying to keep it off my mind (took some effort) it went away.

Because I had panic attacks of being worried about the chest pain I had mild hyperventilation, so I tend to overbreath and that alone made my chest slightly painful/tight and made me dizzy.

After I got it off my mind and did some stretching (pulling hands behind), improved my posture and did some proper breathing it got away after a few days of practice. :winks:

15-04-13, 09:48
I've had terrible trouble with this. Have had for about 6 months now
Get constant random chest pains which will stop for days at a time and then come back. It gets a heck of a lot worse when I think about it as well!
Doctor has me on some antacids at the moment, really don't think it's anything to do with my stomach, but i'll try anything at the moment!