View Full Version : What have I done to my self?!

14-04-13, 15:39
Havs I killed my self?
Ie just cooked a sirloin steak from the butchers and it ended up like this. Whilst cooking it looked well done but clearly not this is what it was like

I ate most but had to stop and leave some when it actually tasted raw!
It was nice but what have I done.

---------- Post added at 15:32 ---------- Previous post was at 15:27 ----------

Why did I eat it?
Am I going to get e-coli now or something and die?!

---------- Post added at 15:33 ---------- Previous post was at 15:32 ----------

I could actually taste rawness at one bite and that's when I stopped but I only had a couple bites left?!

---------- Post added at 15:39 ---------- Previous post was at 15:33 ----------

Sounds strange but this is first time I've cooked steak.
Their was no blood visible on plate

14-04-13, 15:43
People eat steaks blue, which pretty much means raw and uncooked and it does them no harm at all. You have asked this question before.

So you decided to eat nearly the whole thing then decided it might kill you? If you were really that worried I think you would have stopped after the first bite. You know the answer to most of your own questions.

You will be fine.

14-04-13, 15:45
What's wrong with eating rare steak? Heat actually kills the nutrition in food when it's cooked, so eating steak more rare than cooked is actually a good thing. You're able to assimilate more nutrition from the food, and seeing as you got it from a butchers, rather than a supermarket, it's more likely to be pasture fed organic meat, so you're not eating various chemicals they feed to the animal before its killed!

14-04-13, 15:53
Emma your pic is way too big for the screen.

14-04-13, 16:16
Thanks guys.
Nicola I will edit the photo now :)

Strangely enough this is what I was aiming for nice and pink as its so much better that way. Tastes better i think.
My dad normally cooks them a bit more well done than what I just did.
It was lovely don't know why I had to ruin it :(

Did the washing up to distract my self. And had some jelly, yoghurt and pear for pudding to distract my self and feeling a tiny bit better now

---------- Post added at 16:16 ---------- Previous post was at 16:05 ----------

Also I just read that steak should come to room temperate? Before cooking.
I took it out fridge for five mins. Buttered a frying pan. Let the butter melt and put it in. 7 mins each side.

14-04-13, 17:08
I have never cooked steak from room temperature

14-04-13, 17:53
You can eat streak raw you're fine. You seem incredibly paranoid over food Emma, so try and make sure it's to your liking before you eat it and save all this panic after

14-04-13, 18:25
Thank you.
In my head I knew that don't know why I panicked as I did enjoy it :(