View Full Version : Nose Bleeds

14-04-13, 21:13
I've just had a nose bleed and I had one last night as well so i'm kind of freaking out right now!

I used to get nose bleeds a lot when I was in high school but I rarely ever get them any more.

It never used to bother me but I keep wondering if its a sign of something more serious and i'm too afraid to google! Another thing is I have a shift next week doing voluntary work in a charity shop and i'm scared that i'll get a nosebleed.

14-04-13, 21:38
dont google, it will make you worse. nose bleeds can happen for many reasons. make appt with gp and get it checked out as piece of mind for you. hope you feel better soon

15-04-13, 08:37
My brother and father have really sensitive blood vessels in nose, they get nose bleed occasionally. On other hand, I don't. I can easily get a football straight in my face and don't get a nose bleed :D

Especially if they're in hot for too long (Sauna for instance, which we use on daily basis), even sometimes if they get up too fast, sometimes when they sneeze, slight cold, etc.

I'm sure it's nothing to be worried about, don't get stressed up and definitely don't ask Dr. Google. :winks:

15-04-13, 15:45
Thanks guys, :) I know it's probably nothing serious I think it is just because I haven't had one in a long time that's worried me :blush:

15-04-13, 16:03
I never used to get them until one hot summer when I was a teenager and I got one nearly every day. I seemed to grow out of them, but I got them again on holiday in Tanzania as an adult - I think a combination of the heat and having sand up my nose.

It's probably not stifling heat that caused your nosebleed though! The second was probably a result of not quite healing over from the first. I doubt it's anything serious, and if it happens at work you just ask for a tissue or 12, but it probably won't.

15-04-13, 17:11
Thanks Edie,

I'll make sure to take a lot of tissues with me!