View Full Version : Swollen Gland in Neck

14-04-13, 21:44
Hi, I went to the doctor about a fortnight ago and just happened to mention that I had a swollen gland which I have had for years in my neck. I've always debated mentioning it previously but I've always convinced myself it was nothing to worry about. She assessed and sent me into a spiral of panic from that day to this.

She was shocked. She said it was probably 1cm to 1.5cm and definitely swollen. She couldn't understand why it had been swollen for so long but checked all of my other glands and they were fine. She decided to run some blood tests and send me for an ultrasound because of my age. Obviously, as soon as I got home I made the mistake of googling and lymphoma immediately came up. I was in hysteria and tears all night. So I made an appointment to see the doctor the nxt day -this time it was a different GP. I explained my worries and he examined my neck glands and said it was nothing to worry about. It was soft, moveable and probably a reactive node to what he thought was an inner ear dysfunction. He gave me a steroid spray to see if it would help.

It's been a week since I started the spray and every morning I wake up checking if the gland is still there. Of course it is -it's been there for years and isn't just going to vanish but the panic sets in that it could now be an indicator of something serious. I went back to see my dr because I wasn't sleeping with the worry and needed help dealing with the anxiety. She told me my bloods came back fine, I have no other symptoms and it is a constant size so she is 99% sure it's nothing serious. Yet, I still sit here panic stricken and worried it could be the worst case scenario and at the age of 28 I could have cancer. Everyone I mention it to, is shocked that it's been swollen for years- which makes me even more panic and angry at myself incase it is something serious and I didn't realise or just ignored it! I know it's irrational and I am seeking counselling for this new health anxiety but until it either miraculously disappears or I have my ultrasound and results in 3 weeks I feel in a constant state of despair :unsure:

I just wondered if anyone else had been through anything like this or had advice for coping with health anxiety in general? I am truly grateful for any advicex

15-04-13, 00:38
I also have swollen glands in neck. I am going to go and get an ultrasound and see an ENT privately. It takes too long on the NHS waiting list.

15-04-13, 01:37
Just my thoughts on the matter of lymph nodes. I've been through a lot of fear and panic due to swollen lymph nodes, and still to this day get nervous if I find one has swollen without any obvious infection. One thing I would advise you to do is stop checking! I know from personal experience this is extremely difficult to do, but it really is true that if you keep poking and prodding it, it will stay swollen. And it's a vicious cycle which makes you worry more.

Obviously, you will need to feel it to see if the spray is working, but stop doing it so diligently & make sure you're very gentle when you do. I hope it resolves soon, but to honest, I've had swollen lymph nodes which I never found out the cause for, so try not to stress, I'm sure you'll be fine :)

15-04-13, 17:04
Hi, I also have a swollen gland in my neck, started about June last year when I had an ear and throat infection, my throat is sore most mornings when I wake up but does ease off but I usually always have the swollen gland. I had 3 courses of antibiotics last year which didn't really help and have been panicking since that I have cancer, I am 28 also. So I decided to not go to the doctors as I was convinced that I had lymphoma (my dad was diagnosed with it last year). Anyway my mum encouraged me to see my GP who has been great and really put my mind at rest, I have had blood tests which have all come back clear and she feels I have a sinus problem so starting some nasal spray today which usually takes a month to work, so hopefully in a months time things will be a bit better. Im sure you have nothing to worry about, if you have no other symptoms x