View Full Version : this leukaemia fear is getting worse..

15-04-13, 00:48
I have a couple more peteciae on my groin, only 3 or 4 and the small rash from 2 days ago has gone, I just hate this. Although some sites say tight clothing can cause this, which seems likely to be mine as ive been sitting for 7 hours today with tight trousers around my waist. But some websites say spots that don't blanch need immediate attention. Ergh I'm so scared.

15-04-13, 01:27
I asked a few doctors about what I thought was peteciae. I have some red dots on my arms, legs, even chest but they're pretty sparse to be honest. Some of the doctors said it wasn't peteciae but some said it was - but it's nothing to worry about unless there's LOADS of them. So try and put your fears to rest because you're fine. I've had mine for over a year now to no ill effects. In fact I had forgotten about them till I read your post :)