View Full Version : Today im drowning

15-04-13, 11:50
So I have recently discovered im pregnant. Im only about 6 weeks. My health anxiety has not been brilliant recently anyway and this is sending me over the edge. I know I should be thankful as so many people struggle but im so scared. I made an appointment for termination last week and when I went I had to have a scan. The sac was too small to see so I am going back on Thursday which gives me more time. Im scared of being pregnant, im scared of terminating. Im scared of haemorrhaging, pre eclampsia, collapsing and coping with being pregnant. This would be my 3rd child so its not as if I dont know what to expect. Maybe its because my other two are older now 5 and 8. Someone once told me I would have 2 boys and I have so maybe im not meant to have any more? Im also going on holiday for 3 weeks in July so im terrified of being in a hot country and pregnant. Sounds so bad but in a way im hoping for a miscarriage so I dont have to make a decision. I need someone to tell me what to do. I feel so stressed

15-04-13, 11:55
Hey bab. I can't tell you waht to do, but wanted to send you some big hugs. I think talking to a professional would be good for you, you shouldn't make this decision on your own xx

15-04-13, 12:03
Thank you xxx

15-04-13, 13:30
Hey Bab,

Sorry to hear that you're struggling. You have to do what is right for you, no on can tell you what is the best option but like LilHarry said talking to a professional would be beneficial and maybe point you in the right direction.

Thinking of you
Hannah :bighug1: