View Full Version : Do you feel alone when going out the house?

15-04-13, 12:31
I realised this morning if i have someone to go out with im fine, but as soon as i leave the house by myself i realise im "alone" which is kind of obvious lol but its a weird feeling.

i forced myself to go to the post office this morning because this anxietys getting ridiculous, there's nothing really to fear its all in my mind so maybe if i programme my mind to think"its okay" i can progress ?

Does anyone else feel aware that they are alone when out?

15-04-13, 12:33
Yes I do - kind of feel like I have to be responsible for myself too if that makes sense

15-04-13, 13:22
I do as well Natt, if I'm with my Mum or with a friend I tend to cope okay but if I have to go out alone it becomes a real struggle for me to even leave the house. I have to go out later this afternoon to pick up some things in town but my anxiety levels are going up because I don't want to go on my own. Like you though I'm trying to push myself, otherwise I'm scared I'll get to the stage where I won't be able to go out full stop.

15-04-13, 17:26
I do as well Natt, if I'm with my Mum or with a friend I tend to cope okay but if I have to go out alone it becomes a real struggle for me to even leave the house. I have to go out later this afternoon to pick up some things in town but my anxiety levels are going up because I don't want to go on my own. Like you though I'm trying to push myself, otherwise I'm scared I'll get to the stage where I won't be able to go out full stop.

Same here! I had to go to town earlier, i was okay on the bus but as soon as i step off i feel like a little ant in the amazon jungle lol. I think it's good to keep pushing yourself and remember to recognise when you've achieved, give yourself praise :D xx

15-04-13, 17:32
Thanks Natt, you took a really positive step in pushing yourself to go out too :). However bad we feel at least we did it! I popped to town for all of 30 minutes and ran a few errands but I'm glad I managed to get out. :D xx

15-04-13, 19:41
This may sound weird but I'm the opposite. I live alone so maybe this makes me more able to cope with my own company....who knows.

If I go out with a friend I get nervous. I pile all this pressure on myself and start panicking that if I feel ill or have a panic attack or something they either won't understand or I'll ruin their day.

If I go out on my own, I feel a bit safer cos I think well I could run and hide if anything did happen.

A couple of years ago I started with the symptoms of agoraphobia and was terrified even to go anywhere. (I remember doing a post office trip too - just cos it was in the village and nearby :) - I also remember going for a little walk for about 20 minutes and dripping in sweat when I got home from the fear.) I kept trying to push myself to go out and it worked....gradually go to the stage where I could go out for an afternoon or go out to do something nice without panicking all the time.

All I can say is well done on going out :yesyes:. Keep on doing it and gently push yourself to go a little further or to stay out a few minutes longer. Gradually you'll build up a few things you feel you can do safely and they won't worry you as much.

17-04-13, 00:21
I feel the same way. I hate having to do things by myself. I'll put alot of things off until I can get a friend to come with me. Sometimes I won't even go and buy myself some lunch because I don't want to go out alone.

But, there are some days where I am able to build up the motivation to get out and do things on my own and when I get home I feel proud of myself.

17-04-13, 01:35
Hi ive nt been in a shop for a yr nw as ive become agrophobic,has anyone else been the same x