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View Full Version : Different SSRI's

15-04-13, 17:50
Hi all
I was wondering if people have tried more than one type of SSRI?
If so which did you find to be the best for depression/anxiety?

Also how long did you give it on one particular one before deciding it wasn't working?

Thanks, J x

15-04-13, 21:37
I've tried 4, Citalopram, Fluoxetine, Escitalopram and Sertraline. The best one for me was Fluoxetine but after 9 years it stopped working. The others caused more side effects than benefits. Citalopram I took for only 3 days, Escitalopram for 6 weeks with worsening depression and Sertraline for 3 weeks with worsening depression and anxiety. I had read that just because one doesn't suit you it's always worth trying a different one as they all work in subtly different ways, however the SSRI's aren't for me.

If you can hold on for 12 weeks before switching I think you've given it good shot, unfortunately the side effects were just too much for me


15-04-13, 21:45
Thanks so much for your reply Sam.
I've been on fluoxetine for the second time for about 4 weeks now and have had horrible side effects this past week. Doc (not my usual one) suggested maybe changing to another but I think I should try and stick it out a bit longer.

15-04-13, 22:03
I agree, stick it out Fluoxetine takes ages to work but is generally great for anxiety and depression. Don't increase the dose either which is what some people suggest if it's not working fast enough, if you're getting side effects they'll only get worse with an increase
Take care

15-04-13, 22:11
Good to know. I'm already on 40mg. How long did they take to work for you?
Thanks Sam

16-04-13, 10:20
The first time I took them I noticed an improvement after 8 weeks and I was back to normal at 6 months. Last time I improved after 8 weeks and was markedly better after 3 months. However the first time I felt better after increasing to 40mg so I tried that last time but it didn't help and I got better when decreasing to 20mg again, it's trial and error with these drugs. I stuck at each dose for a month before increasing or decreasing.