View Full Version : i feel all i can do is cry my heart out and just give up...

15-04-13, 20:30
I don't really know if there is any point posting anymore, i must sound like a broken record.

But I don't know what else to do right now cause I am alone and scared and desperate and got no one to talk to about this, there's no one i can call and say what i'm feeling and i'm scared.

Why can't I have even one day without feeling something. Lately it's mostly feeling faint and lightheaded. I get dismissed by doctors as all the tests they've done are fine. Why do I feel like this. I was ok today then suddenly i felt like i could faint and for a while i felt nauseous, faint, strain in my eyes. I've been feeling lightheaded ever since and I just want it to stop. I am on pms and it does coincide a lot, so mostly i do tell myself it's because of pms. But part of me worries something bad will happen to me, it's my heart or something like that...

Does anyone else have problems with being lightheaded/faint a lot?

Ever since it started this afternoon I just feel like crying...

15-04-13, 20:35
Hi mila,
I have health anxiety and it started in my teens with fairness and light headedness very similar to what you are describing. The way in which anxiety can work is to alter our biological functioning especially our breathing and this can make us light headed and faint. Pms causes blood loss which in turn can make you feel dizzy.

15-04-13, 21:48
I used to have major, major problems with this before my period. I used to spend about two days a month really feeling like I would faint. I never did, but it was horrible. Eating very regularly helped somewhat as hormones can affect your blood sugar. Acupuncture and Chinese herbs helped a lot.what really cured it was having kids, but a bit drastic!! It was way worse when my anxiety was bad but I believe it was primarily a hormone thing. Harmless but very unpleasant. If you have Pms your mood will also be far worse. You will probably feel somewhat better when you get your period. Big hugs to you x

15-04-13, 23:10
I used to have major, major problems with this before my period. I used to spend about two days a month really feeling like I would faint. I never did, but it was horrible. Eating very regularly helped somewhat as hormones can affect your blood sugar. Acupuncture and Chinese herbs helped a lot.what really cured it was having kids, but a bit drastic!! It was way worse when my anxiety was bad but I believe it was primarily a hormone thing. Harmless but very unpleasant. If you have Pms your mood will also be far worse. You will probably feel somewhat better when you get your period. Big hugs to you x

Cattia, since I've had my son and started on cerazette all my pms symptoms got so much worse plus they last so much longer cause if my period is not too early then it's weeks late. It's mostly feeling faint and terrible bloating.

15-04-13, 23:37
Then it definitely sounds hormonal. I am not on any birth control and I use natural progesterone cream which is meant to help with pms. Funnily enough, my pms is better since having my kids but I get weird symptoms before my period now like really bad sinus issues. It sounds like something that natural remedies could perhaps help with?