View Full Version : Boston bombs

15-04-13, 21:33
Sorry i keep posting threads!

Just seen on the bbc news that bombs have been set off at the Boston Marathon! I avoid the news at all costs because i panic easily when something like this happens, but someone on facebook had posted about it.

Its makes me so anxious and sick, why people would want to kill.

Im trying to calm down by thinking theres always bad stuff going and and from this they will probably have tighter security from now on.

Still makes me panic though...

15-04-13, 21:35
I just saw this too and I find it very distressing. There seems to be so much bad going on in the world but at the same time there is a lot of good and we have to focus on the good things around us.

15-04-13, 21:38
Annie's right Natt, theres alot of good in this world too, I think moreso than bad. Sadly its the bad stuff we get to hear of so much though. This is awful news about the Boston Bombings, I've just popped the news on now, very sad.

15-04-13, 21:39
That's true, i worry myself to bits over this years summer holidays incase we get any riots again!
It's silly worrying but it's hard to distract the mind.

15-04-13, 21:45
I have just seen this on facebook too, Didn't know it was a bombing though. Terrible

15-04-13, 21:57
I just saw this too and I find it very distressing. There seems to be so much bad going on in the world but at the same time there is a lot of good and we have to focus on the good things around us.

Yes Annie's right.
I am the same, I don't like the news. I call it "the depression" since it rarely has good stuff on there but they don't bother with the good stuff I'm afraid.
But we all know some good news going on somewhere and that is what we need to focus on.
For instance... All the lovely kind, considerate and caring people we know through NMP, there are many, many more like us in the world. We need lots of big hugs to remind each other of our collective strength........
:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

15-04-13, 21:58
could it be something to do with that Korea business kicking off?

15-04-13, 22:03
C,mon people's....... No more speculating. No more watching the news coz it'll only add fuel to your fire when you need to instead focus on something else.
Lets be constructive.
I have left the room as my partner wanted the news on. I didn't want to hear it, but maybe once they have established the cause properly, may be then I'll listen
Meanwhile, there's no point winding yourselves up as its not going to make u feel good.

15-04-13, 22:06
I try to avoid the news too, it just makes me feel bad, but with big stuff like this it's hard to miss it. The best thing we can do is send love and light to those people, our worries won't help them but we can say a prayer or send some kind thoughts x

15-04-13, 22:25
Now come on everyone, incidents like this are rare. It's not happened here in the UK. Stop panicking. It's happened there cos it's an international event, we won't be targeted, very extremely unlikely.

NE21 worrier
15-04-13, 23:08
Terrible stuff.

But I agree with Tessar that it is pointless speculating at this stage, and/or getting too worked up about it. Unfortunately, I've always been a bit of a news junkie - I did a BA in Journalism - but, while I like to stay up to date with current affairs, I'm becoming aware that indulging in the 24-hour news cycle is no good for me.

Interesting, if perhaps slightly extreme, article on The Guardian website about news at the weekend: http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2013/apr/12/news-is-bad-rolf-dobelli

16-04-13, 10:02
My eldest son, his wife and their 3 kids are in the USA at the moment! Thankfully in San Francisco so as far away as they can be from Boston, but I still feel, quite illogically of course, a bit panicky. I think they're due home this weekend and I'll be very glad when they arrive!

16-04-13, 16:01
It's about 2 hours north of me, have a lot of friends and family who live in boston ... have heard from them and they are ok, but everybody is afraid to go anywhere in the city. I hope they stay safe and wish they could leave the city ... Living 20 minutes from Sandy Hook (the shooting earlier this year at the elementary school) and 2 hours from Boston makes me very shaken.

16-04-13, 16:03
It's about 2 hours north of me, have a lot of friends and family who live in boston ... have heard from them and they are ok, but everybody is afraid to go anywhere in the city. I hope they stay safe and wish they could leave the city ... Living 20 minutes from Sandy Hook (the shooting earlier this year at the elementary school) and 2 hours from Boston makes me very shaken.

I can understand how being so close is unnerving for you. It is bad enough for us just hearing about it here in the Uk. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

16-04-13, 16:12
Thanks ... one of my best friends is an emergency medical technician in Boston and she just missed having to work yesterday ... and fiance's brother goes to school up there, as well as some of my other friends ... I am afraid because it seems like they have not apprehended anybody yet. There is little information that has been released.

---------- Post added at 11:12 ---------- Previous post was at 11:08 ----------

It's also making me very sad that there is so much violence in this world ... this country is going through a lot, and a lot has happened so close to me that I am just so sad. An 8 year old was one of the ones who died who was there cheering on his dad who was running.

16-04-13, 19:00
Boston is such a lovely city, I think of all the wonderful people there and wish them all peace and a swift resolution to finding out who did this.

16-04-13, 21:11
I live in the US and I'm several states away from where it happened but I'm still really shaken. I also try to avoid the news because I always see something that makes me have an anxiety attack if I dare to look, but this news was unavoidable. I heard about it on facebook, and everyone was talking about it.

It's so heartbreaking and terrible, but try not to let it make you anxious. If you can't get it off your mind then think about the people who rushed to help. In the midst of tragedy there were many, many people who showed that there is still good in this world no matter what. That is what I am focusing on, and how I'm dealing with this. In any crisis there are always people who are there helping and saving others.

16-04-13, 21:33
Easier said than done, I know, but the best thing we can all do is go on like normal. But it is worrying of course and I feel that is actually a natural reaction because as kind and thoughtful people, as everyone here on NMP seems to be, we will be appalled about what happened. I don't like the idea of people dying and I was very sad to hear about this young boy who was there cheering on his dad. We can be mindful of what has happened but at the same time we can all pull together and be strong for the goodness in the world. If we look for it, it is around us.

16-04-13, 23:19
I agree with Tessar, in the midst of this horrific tragedy, we still have to stay strong, and mindful that they are more good people in this world, then there are bad. Unfortunately there are bad eggs everywhere, and that is what they would want us all to do is live in fear, in there sick minds. We can not let people like that get the best of us. We have to be more vigilant of our surroundings, but not let it over take us. My heart is breaking for all those involved, I don't know how anyone, anywhere could find such a cowardly act gratifying. Not only did that poor Father loose his son, his wife has had surgery, for a brain injury, and his little daughter has lost a limb. Minutes after his son had ran out to hug him for completing the race. Authorities are all over this, and I guarantee they will bring those involved to justice. All I can do is shake my head, and pray for all involved. Poor things, my heart breaks for them. :hugs:

17-04-13, 00:13
I try to avoid the news when i'm feeling down and anxious. Not just now because of Boston but always. The news is always just filled with negative stories, they rarely report on anything positive. At my job we have a TV that is meant to be kept on the news channels and yesterday they just kept reporting on Boston and repeating the same thing over and over. It started making me flip out so I had to force people to accept a channel change.

There is more positive in life than negative, it's just unfortunate that they only report on the negatives.

17-04-13, 15:16
I never read newspapers and rarely watch the news due to things like this, they have an effect on me. All you hear and see these days is people being murdered and I'm sick of it all prefer not to know.