View Full Version : Still concern about bowel cancer

15-04-13, 22:22
My fear and worrying about bowel cancer is still going strong. As I done the naughty thing of googling about bowel cancer and reading daily mail online bowel cancer which is the worst thing to do.

My parents know I am worried and told me I am fine. Having a disability called dyspraxia and condition called NF.

Even though I have not had any stomach cramps and the abdominal pain I been having has gone completed. Never felt bloated. The odd rumbling/wind in my stomach.

When I first struggled to go for a poo for a week I went to the doctors who told me I had IBS with feeling my abominal, rectal I was 28 nearly 29 which I turned last December) could not found anything. I don't see any blood while wiping or in my stool (but still concerned)

I had blood test and an ultrasound of the abdominal (to reassurance me nothing was wrong) and it came back clear. I am still very worry about the big c word and other conditions of the bowel.

I told the doctors please don't rule out bowel cancer because of my age (even though we don't have any family history.)

Even though people have been told millions of times do not google or read stories online about cancer and other conditions on this site.

15-04-13, 23:14
From what you have said and the tests you have had I am quite sure it does not sound like bowel cancer. If your doctor had any concerns at all he would have sent you for further tests. Be reassured by the tests you have had.

15-04-13, 23:19
Many thanks for your reply. I should be reassured about what the doctors had said. I was fine last week whilst on holiday as I did not have access to the Internet.

One day we hope that all conditions will be cured no matter what stage things are at.

16-04-13, 00:26
I am a Googler too. I don't know why on earth I do it but I never, ever feel better after googling, only much worse. There is never any reassurance to be had by doing it, so I keep looking and looking til I work myself up into a state. It's ridiculous. I know that and yet I still do it whenever I feel under the weather or feel so much as a twinge. I recently went away for a week and had no Internet access, even my phone didnt work out there. I can honestly say it was wonderful to feel so free. I am trying not to use the Internet so much now but I still wander onto health sites and forums.

You've had all the tests and anything sinister would have shown up on them. I know it's difficult but please take reassurance from that docs that you're fine. Those tests are very thorough and would be highly unlikely to miss anything xx

16-04-13, 01:09
worst thing EVER is to Google, you could be looking for a symptom that you really know in the back of your mind isn't there, it sounds like you are suffering with a bit of health anxiety.there is help and support out there. you have no possible symptoms of bowel cancer,googling things like that,will make your anxiety worse, take one bit of advice from me, don't Google lol. i do it,and always have,but i know better to take no notice of what you could have. i had neck pain the other day,googled the symptoms and ended up with spinal damage lol. i think i just slept funny.:D

16-04-13, 19:32
I'm sure it's nothing to worry about esp as you've had tests which came back clear.

Do not Google....and even if you can't resist a sneaky google, don't click on anything with "Daily Mail" on it. That paper is so full of the sort of health stories that freak people out.

An ultrasound would have showed something up if there was anything there - I had one a few years back when I practically told my Doctor I knew I was dying of bowel cancer. I was in such pain, I was doubled over at times. I had the ultrasound and there was nothing there.

The pains all went in the end and my doctor was proved right - it had been anxiety all along.

16-04-13, 20:47
Many thanks for the above responses. I still get concerned about other conditions of the bowel, but these tests like people have said would have shown something. I will try to stay away from daily mail online and google.
With no family history, not overweight, I don't smoke or drink, rarely eat red meat, I try to not eat much processed meats.

17-04-13, 07:22
Even though I not had a sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy done etc I am still worried but should listen to the doctor

17-04-13, 09:29
Yes you should be reassured by all these tests and believe your doctor.