View Full Version : 12 mile walk ontop of exhaustion still no sleep

16-04-13, 05:24
Hi guys update of my sleep probs
As most of you know i suffer with insomnia which i hold leveythyroxine acountsble for since taking this for iver the last year now...anyway sun night i had gone to bed very shattered and had a bath before bed etc and woke mon am a few times..Just to let ypu know i must walk about 5-6 miles a day...so anyway yesterday mon,i walked just over 10 miles on top of my days and days of none sleep..i went to bed last night at 11pm..and drifted off..prob fell to sleep just before 11.30....i felt shattered from my day and my mental stress...but still i woke just like that !!! At 3 30am for no reason...and although tired .iv been unable to go back to sleep...iv been increasing my Trazadone from 50mg to 80 mg over the last couple of days and have noticed ,as i have done before, that im waking more in the night and feeling more awake when i do open my eyes early am...i thought trazadone is suppose to make me sleep.but it seems its making me wake..despite my body being totaly shattered..has anyone eles had these excperiances at all on trazadone..or any other advice on this one..as allways ..thankyou for any advice.Greg