View Full Version : Having a rough day

21-09-06, 13:55
Hi all
not having a great day today, i'll over the weekend with a bad eye, doc gave me anti biotics which have cured the stye and killed the excrciating pain, BUT now i feel ill.
I'm panicing that iv'e got some terrible illness cos my errr how to put this? my motions are all black...........could it be the tablets, i have looked at the side effects and black stools are not one of them.... really could do with some kind words and comfort here cos i'm slowly driving myself towards a full blown panic attack

love ya all
sharon x

21-09-06, 14:25
Hi Sharon,sorry your feeling so bad,Me to.I think the black motions are to do with the tablets,Why dont you phone the chemist or gp surgery just to put your mind at rest.Did the motions start going black after you took the medication?Im sure all is ok.Im flipping constipated at the mo!!My tablets bind me up something cronic.
I know how you feel pet,give them a ring for peace of mind.[8)]

Ellen XX

21-09-06, 18:12
I think everyone on this site panics about their bowels read my posts and dont worry!!!