View Full Version : NMP Online Running Club?

16-04-13, 08:32
I've recently started jogging to get fit and help with my anxiety. At first I could only jog in 5 min blocks (shocking, I know - but I've done a LOT of sitting around the past few months). Now I can do a 30 min moderate speed run :yesyes:. Some days I've really had to force myself to get out there because either my head has been all over the place, I've been panicking or getting funny about my heart or blood pressure. But I've never let the anxiety get the better of me and I can honestly say that I ALWAYS feel better afterwards. Sometimes a lot, sometimes just a little but there's always a mood improvement.

So I wondered if there any other NMP users out there who either already go running or would like to start. It would great to have a place where we could all encourage and support each other to get outside and get active no matter how rubbish we feel. We could report our successes/failures, chat about our progress and help each over get other our anxieties in ths area.

L xxx

16-04-13, 08:46
hey lisa check my post (below this one) "running and fundraising... again" i have been running for a few years now and am about to undertake my first full marathon,

since starting, running has been an escape for me its one time in my hectic life i can get away from everything and escape to my own little bubble not worry about anything and just lose myself with just under three weeks to go i have entered a very strict diet and training regime which is going great! please follow my other post to keep up to date with the marathon story :)