View Full Version : Feel so ill is this really anxiety

16-04-13, 10:58
Hi I feel so awful, my head hurts, legs are like jelly and keep getting blocked ears. I have ongoing women's problems that are causing a great deal of distress. I have had anxiety/ depression for years. My doctors keep saying everything is anxiety from my racing heart/ palpatations to feeling weak. But these headaches are so bad I'm worried its something bad. I feel really hot and woozy. Is this another symptom of anxiety or something worse. I had a horrible palpatation earlier that freaked me out. I also get random shooting pains across my chest. I'm so fed up I don't know what to do anymore. :( please help

16-04-13, 12:41
They all seem like symptoms of anxiety. If you read the anxiety link on the left of this page it will tell you more.

16-04-13, 12:59
They do seem to be symptoms of anxiety I agree with Annie :hugs:

16-04-13, 14:46
I think it is easy to get caught in a feedback loop where you worry so much you make yourself sick and then you worry more about WHY you are sick ... I know that's what happens to me. Everything you said sounds like anxiety and nothing more. Take a deep breath and try to relax... I know it is hard, but you can do it <3
Good luck hon xxxxx