View Full Version : Doctors later...I need a confidence boost

16-04-13, 12:24
I have a doctors appointment later today regarding my wind/gurgly stomach symptoms.

Two doctors have told me my symptoms are mild IBS but im worried it might be something serious to do with my ovaries/bowels. I only went on Friday for the second opinion so I also feel stupid for going so soon after.

I want to ask for further tests but when I get there I always chicken out and just nod and leave without speaking up. I always come out wishing I had asked this or that and pushed for more info.

I need some strength to go in and say I want tests and proper confirmation I have IBS.

Any advice?


16-04-13, 12:39
The way i get round this is have it written down on a piece of paper. In fact there has been times when i have just handed the paper to the doctor for him to read when asked what my problem is. So write down all that you want to say and give it to the Doc, has worked well for me in the past...Hope all goes well ..

16-04-13, 14:51
Paper sounds like a good idea. I've taken my BF with me to the Dr. Sometimes too because it helps calm me and he can make sure to ask things I might not want to... So maybe if you have a friend or loved one that could go with you, that might help?
Good luck xx

16-04-13, 15:50
Thanks for your replies. The doctor already knows my symptoms from Friday its just having the confidence to say "I want to be tested".

Funnily enough my stomach is feeling fine now!

17-04-13, 05:26
lol isn't that how it always is?

my headache is always fine right after I make an appointment to go see someone about it ... maybe my body is more scared of the doctor than it is actually in pain from the headache ... lol! funny but sad!