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16-04-13, 12:39
I am 33. I suffer from social phobia, anxiety, panic attacks, OCD. I am pretty much housebound and can not work. It's been about 4 years since I had a complete breakdown and could no longer work.
Nobody gets it really so it's hard. Part of social phobia is trying to not draw attention to yourself so I hide my symptoms and that makes it harder to be believed. I love music and films and books. A lot of people find me boring because I obviously don't go anywhere or do anything. I would just like to have people to chat to. I don't turn to my friends when I'm stressing and panicking. They already put up with my OCD and 'oddities' I don't want to put too much on them. I do chat online with people with MH problems and I like to be there for them when they need someone. It would be nice to have someone to talk to when I'm panicking who gets how it feels.
Sorry for the babbling x

16-04-13, 12:51
Hi Cort you have found the right place you will find lots of help and support here :)

16-04-13, 13:02
Hi Cort

Good to hear from you. You are in good company on this site. Just look around and you will be amazed at how many people suffer debilitating conditions like yours. The only difference is the varying degree with which each person suffers. We all come from different back grounds different countries different ages and both sexes. This condition does not care who you are.

You are right, very few who do not experience these conditions can understand them. Your true friends would always support you even if through lack of understanding they can not help. Just being there is important.

Trust us when you have a panic attack we know exactly how you are feeling. We all deal with it in different ways and some cope better than others. When it does happen the world closes in and suffocates you nothing appears real and you are alone.

You are fearful of the next attack and fearful of the possible outcome this in itself can set off an attack. This is the mind playing tricks with you.

i do not know if you have had medical help or not but I would strongly advise it. You need a professional approach in restoring your self esteem. You need to be able to distinguish what is real and what is not. Your mind is a powerful tool and needs controlling or it will lead you to places you do not want to go.

You can do it and let no one say you can not. Let today be the first step to recovery.

Best wishes


16-04-13, 13:59
Thank you both for your messages.
I am on medication and receiving therapy. Since I stopped working the PAs have reduced but like you said, you panic about setting off attacks and that sets them off. I feel like I'm a permanently wound up spring just waiting for the day i finally snap and break altogether. X

16-04-13, 14:15
Hang on in there you will beat it.

Just remember it's just your mind playing games with you. You have allowed it to play around at your expense. At the moment your mind is in control, its like an out of control child throwing random tantrums. Sooner or later you will regain that control and life will be better. The right therapy will teach you how to regain that control.



16-04-13, 18:40
Hey Cort :-) just wanted tho say thankyou for introducing me to this site :-). Oh n just for the record.... I don't find u boring! Disappointed u don't understand my fascination with glee... Oh well..... Nice to meet you all :-)

16-04-13, 18:59
Lol I do always think of you and giggle when I see Glee on the TV guide though.
The good thing about online friends is they already know you have MH problems and they still choose to speak to you. Xxx

17-04-13, 12:19
i have to agree =]