View Full Version : Anyone with anxiety have a bipolar partner?

16-04-13, 14:46
Hi everyone. I have been dealing with my anxiety very well over the past couple of months, I have been distracting myself with hobbies and forums etc and felt pretty happy, and trying to stay positive about life in general. But... I have learned recently that my partner may be bipolar, which would explain his severe mood swings and feeling very depressed for no reason whatsoever, and most often taking it out on me and being cold towards me. I have been finding this pretty hard to deal with and am feeing particularly anxious/depressed at the moment. When he is on a downer he says he questions our relationship and that he might be better off on his own, is not sure about marrying me anymore and thinks that he could never deal with having children if he gets like this. It makes him very impatient and gets annoyed at the smallest things. I am worried for our relationship and am finding it extra hard as I get really anxious when he gets in these moods. I think we will seek councelling and I have read that a good diet and exercise can help... but I'm feeling really crap about it all. It's awful when he tells me that he is having second thoughts about our wedding, and that he would probably be happier on his own etc, it's heartbreaking. :-(
Anyone else have a bipolar partner and how do you deal with it?