View Full Version : How do you know if you're really ill?

16-04-13, 19:26
I've been up and down these last few days, and I'm pleased that today is a good day. I've been implementing the CBT techniques with my travel fear, and and I'm starting to feel comfortable with it. I was driven through rush hour traffic - lots of people waiting on bus stops, traffic queues, etc, something that would normally make me feel terrified.

I could feel my palms sweating, nervous knots in my stomach, my heart racing and all the other symptoms I would attribute to anxiety - which is what I kept telling myself, it's just anxiety, you'll get through this - and I did. I'm now over-anylising and wondering what happens if something happens and we put it down to just anxiety? Are we less likely to get a heart attack, and if we do have one, how will we know it's a heart attack and not anxiety? I'm worried about crying wolf, but equally, it's those vital minutes that make all the difference when something serious happens. Is this the problem all anxiety sufferers now face??

Sue x

16-04-13, 20:28
Hi Sue

All I can say is that you "just know" when it is more than anxiety.

When I had the heart attack I knew it was more than just chest pains that I got with anxiety.

We trust our gut instinct

16-04-13, 22:13
Personally, I think it can be really hard. I am going through a period of illness that I don'to attribute to anxiety, but the doctors do. I know that there is something more going on, but I keep being told that it's "just" anxiety. I think you just need to back yourself and not worry about crying wolf.

17-04-13, 20:43
I have this problem too. The way I get through it is telling myself it is anxiety and most of the symptoms I get are. Often if you think you are 'ill' or getting ill and you are not then it is easy to think about how you feel and over exaggerate it. If you have a heart attack you will most likely be on the floor unconcious and wake up in hospital. Although anxiety can make you feel like you are having a heart attack, you most likely aren't.

17-04-13, 20:50
If you have a heart attack you will most likely be on the floor unconcious and wake up in hospital.

Not at all. I was in bed when I had mine and asked my partner to call 999