View Full Version : worried i'll have an accident...

21-09-06, 16:33
For the last week or so i've started getting really worried that i'm going to hurt myself somehow and end up in hospital, where i wont be able to get away from people. I know this sounds ridiculous, as the people i have said this to have told me but i can't help it. They keep telling me i'm being irrational and i know i probably am but the thing is it COULD happen, sure its very unlikely but theres still is that posibility.
[Sigh...] wish i could turn my thoughts off for a while...

Zoe x

To be pushed is unwillingness, to push yourself is courage

21-09-06, 16:41
ive had it before, simply because i fear drs and hospitals.
Its not ridiculous, these things could happen, but if they do, it wont be as bad as we fear it will.

Becci x

21-09-06, 16:44
Hi Zoe.....I have had episodes like this, its the unknown thats scary and realising how easily and quickly things COULD happen. That is just it though....anything COULD happen at any time, none of us would ever know though and we would deal with it when and if 'something' happened...but realising and accepting this is the way round it...you cannot live your life thinking what if. Why only think of the bad things that COULD happen....something great COULD happen too! I know it is hard. Take care


21-09-06, 17:03
hi Zoe,your not alone with these thoughts.I was so relieved when I found this site,Im so negative and get allsorts of worrying thoughts.When I realised I wasnt the only one I was so relieved.At one point I thought I was going crazy.People dont understand unless they have been there.I had a massive panic attack at hospital when I went for a blood test.The saff were fantastic,they put in a room on my own away from the waiting area full of people.I hate hospitals,but they were really understanding.Im sure you will be fine,your certainly not ridiculous.[8)]

Ellen XX

21-09-06, 17:13
All part of the anxiety Freakle - it's very very common and obviously your thoughts would have to scary and personal to you or they wouldnt make you anxious!

Tell yourself 'this all part of anxiety and I musn't give it too much importance - in time it will just go away of its own accord and until then I will ignore it'.

Like we've all said before (specially Trac) anxiety is like a bully, either stand up to it or ignore it. Either way it will go away!

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

21-09-06, 17:16
All part of the anxiety Freakle - it's very very common and obviously your thoughts would have to scary and personal to you or they wouldnt make you anxious!

Tell yourself 'this all part of anxiety and I musn't give it too much importance - in time it will just go away of its own accord and until then I will ignore it'.

Like we've all said before (specially Trac) anxiety is like a bully, either stand up to it or ignore it. Either way it will go away!

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.