View Full Version : Can you get a DVT from blood test in forearm?

16-04-13, 20:40
Ive posted on here before about this, and I know it may sound silly to some, but actually this is far more painful than ever before, and it's not just my arm that's affected.

Ive had about 3 blood tests on one arm in the past 3 weeks. Twice they took blood from the large prominent vein along the forearm (they couldnt get it in the crease of the elbow) The first blood test was very painful and left a big bruise as it bled out. I did go for a d-dimer blood test after that (as it hurt so much) to see if it had developed into a blood clot and that was negative.

Last week they again took blood from same arm, and in the forearm again. This time it hasnt bruised as bad, but immediately after and until now the whole arm, including now the upper arm and shoulder really aches. Ive googled and it said that if you have dvt in the upper arm, you can feel spaced out, dizzy etc - and I have been feeling that since Saturday (even been to dr about it yesterday and he didnt know what it was).

The back of my arm hurts to touch and the whole arm aches. Im so worried this is a dvt and when I coughed earlier I had a sharp pain in the side of my chest, so now I am scared of a PE in my lungs. There's no redness on my arm, it feels sore and painful, all over. The actual puncture site looks ok, just a black bruise from last week's and still a dark area over the vein from 3 weeks ago. The veins in the forearm are larger and blue.

Does anyone have any idea if this is a DVT? Im at risk of really panicking and again being so upset about this but I cant go to a+e if im not sure, as ive been so many times over this past year (my HA) that they dont take me seriously anymore.

Im sorry


17-04-13, 06:53
Anyone any ideas? X

17-04-13, 09:46
Im not a doctor hon but it just sounds like your health anxiety playing up. If there wa sa risk they wouldnt have done it. You can always call your GP practice for reassurance but I def think its your anxiety x