View Full Version : Scared of diagnosis - HA in overdrive!

16-04-13, 23:58
Hi, can anyone help? Over the last few weeks I have been getting increased aches and pains in my hips, knees, feet, toes, shoulders etc. it seems to be worse on the right side of my body. Have also been getting headaches and have slightly numb sensation in part of big toe on my left foot. Drove myself into a frenzy thinking I may have MS so plucked up courage to go to doc. She is sending me for a blood test as she thinks it may be polymyalgia rheumatica. Am freaking out now about the results of the blood test (have to wait till next week for the test, then back to docs the week after). Have spent ages researching the condition even though I haven't been diagnosed yet. Worse thing is my anxious mind is working overtime, originally thought I have MS (doc said no), now I am starting to think I have Leukemia even though my symptoms fit with the pyromyalgia suggestion. Just think at 50 I am a bit young for this condition, am very menopausal so was thinking it was all down to that before I went to see the doc, now I am terrified!! Please anyone help!?

17-04-13, 00:23
Hi there

Not sure I can help but I am experiencing similar aches & pains, mostly in my hips and haunches and my HA too is going into overdrive thinking I've got bone 'C'. I've also got discomfort under my right rib, wind and itchy skin which I'm trying to put down to perimenopause as I'm 50 too but I'm also thinking lymphoma or pancreatic 'C'.

Can I ask how and when your IBS was diagnosed?

Kind regards


17-04-13, 03:52
Wow you guys got me freaking out now! I'm 50 almost. And saving EVERYWHERE!!!! I have pain ALL day. Very scary. I wasn't thinking it was anything but anxiety, now I'm all worke d up! Lol

17-04-13, 18:07
Oh golly, what are we like. If its any consolation my husband thinks I am completely nuts and said in a heated debate, "when is all this going to stop? You have diagnosed every conceivable disease over the last few years and just in the last few days have gone from a brain tumour to MS to Leukemia, lymphoma ......." Guess I must be hell to live with. Wish I could be more like him, he never worries about his health and was pleased with what my doc had said ie that she thinks it might be polymyalgia and that I am getting a blood test to check. I agree with him wholeheartedly but can't help over thinking and over analysing everything, it's the nature of the anxiety beast I guess!

17-04-13, 20:49
In my more sane moments I'm starting to think the aches and pains are all down to trapped wind. Jane, how was your IBS diagnosed?

18-04-13, 17:17
Hi I have polymylagia now in my second year I was 58 when it started.Had terrible aches and stiffness ,hard to get out of bed in the mornings was put on steriods and after a couple of days felt much better, it does go in the end but the steriods help until then, I'm now on a very low dose. I belong to a forum for pmr and it helps so much. Hope you get your results soon and you know whats wrong take care Simi