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View Full Version : so scared

17-04-13, 02:18
I'm getting really scared now, I'm still not sleeping, last night I had no sleep at all previously for the last two weeks anything from half an hour to three hours tops a night all since I stopped taking zyprexa. This drug withdrawal is brutal and has fried my sleep centre so I just can't sleep any more. I feel so bad, I'm shaky, I feel sick all the time, I'm not eating I just gag every time I eat, I cry all the time, to be honest I think I'm dying.

I saw my psychiatrist today and he just decided to put me on Klonopin for the long term which is adding to my worries as it's hideously addictive if taken long term, but he wouldn't do anything for the insomnia. My GP gave me some sleeping tablets which didn't work at all, I'm at my wits end, I'm beginning to think that maybe coming off the zyprexa has set off sporadic fatal insomnia and that I actually have it even though it's rare. I need sleep and I don't know how to get it. I can't nap during the day either even though I try I just don't go to sleep, it's like my sleep centre has switched off. I don't know what to do I really don't.

18-04-13, 01:53
:( still no better.

18-04-13, 01:57
Our bodies naturally make us sleep when we really need it and although we feel like we are not sleeping we do get some

If you had no sleep at all you would not be able to function.

I feel like I never sleep but I must do or I would be seriously ill by now.

You need to try relaxation techniques and cd's/mp3's that may help you nap

18-04-13, 09:45
Have you tried melatonin? It's not a drug, it's a hormone which triggers the natural sleep cycle. You can't buy it over the counter in the UK though doctors can prescribe it, I don't know about Australia, but you can get it over the internet. I use it for jet lag if I'm flying to the States or Canada, but it's generally used for sleep problems.

18-04-13, 09:53
Unfortunately melatonin interacts with my other drug fluvoxamine. Fluvoxamine increases the amount of melatonin in the blood by up to 17 times so you can't take them together.