View Full Version : VERY scary palpitation episode

17-04-13, 02:40
Was lying in bed, and I started getting twinges in my jaw and a real squeezing feeling in the middle of my chest. I've had them before and I always get more weird chest feelings lying down, but these were particularly bad so I started getting a bit worried. Next thing, my heart takes off pounding harder than I've ever felt it before, and racing, and it felt like it was totally out of my control. Even slow breathing didn't seem to be affecting it much; I just sort of had to wait for it to pass while my heart seemed like it was kicking me from inside.

Eventually it passed, and obviously I felt awful afterwards and was shaking all over. I've had tests done in hospital before when I've had episodes of racing heart and everything was fine, but I never had an attack like that, preceded by the weird feelings, and with my heart pounding that ridiculously hard and that suddenly.

Anyone had something like this?

17-04-13, 16:12
Anyone? Really worried. One cardiologist thinks I have anxiety, and another that I might have a sort of dysautonomia since this all started with a virus. A cardiac nurse in hospital suggested some sort of artery abnormality, but then the cardiologist didn't think so and didn't test me for it. Just talked to the cardiologist who thinks it's anxiety and he said I'm fine, but I don't know what to think. I've been bedridden for two months. I'm worried i have something weird that's getting worse or something.

17-04-13, 16:57
I get weird chest sensations a lot and have always been told its just anxiety, The weird feeling probably started off your anxious thinking and that turned in to a panic attack making your heart race. If you have seen doctors and they don't seem concerned I would just put it down to anxiety. Hope you feel better soon :hugs: