View Full Version : Introduce myself

17-04-13, 02:58
Hi all. I am new to the site so just learning my way. I suffer from anxiety and this is particularly around my health. This stemmed from a health scare last year, and although I gut the all clear I now worry uncontrollably about having a health condition that I will die from. This includes lymphoma , breast can or more recently; a DVT. I am sure that I just imagine pain, and this leads me to google to self diagnosis.
I read symptoms of an illness and then funnily enough I then start to present with these exact symptoms. Anyone else?
I recently went to gp re chest pain. He ruled out a PE but asked if I had pain in my leg (which I didn't.) funnily enough later that day, I have leg pain. Totally convinced self that I have a DVT and will die on a flight which I am due to go on. I don't like phoning GP as I believe I may be irrational, however I can't clear my thoughts. This currently takes over my day/night. I can't enjoy myself due to fear.
Be great full for your experiences.

17-04-13, 03:16
Welcome to this site you around friends i you nrr mr pm me

17-04-13, 05:37
Hi PP,

Welcome :)

I am new here, too, but you are not alone. :)

Like you, I have worked myself into a pretty little panic over lots of life threatening illnesses, especially mad cow disease, a brain tumour, motor neuron disease, brain aneurism, and I always feel worse after reading about the symptoms. The thing is, I'm too scared to go to the doctor to try and get a diagnosis! My BF tells me that I am fine, and so does my family, because I have done this before, but I can't seem to convince myself.

I'm trying to figure out how to get better, too. I guess it helps me to know that this is a problem other people have and that I am not alone. Hope the forums can help you to calm down and enjoy your life more.

I read someone's signature the other day that said -- "you don't have to not die, you just have to live," or something like that. I'm trying to breath deep and make sure I live my life day in and day out and not get so caught up in anxiety that it paralysis me. Not enjoying life is worse than death, right? well ... some day I'm going to convince myself of that :)

Good luck xx

18-04-13, 17:04
Hi. I'm sure you'll be glad you joined.

There's plenty of advice and support here.

You're not alone.

All the best.

07-05-13, 21:32
Thanks everyone. I didn't realise you had all replied to my post. Still figuring the site out. It's helpful having a read on the forums. It's horrible illness/anxiety!
I try my best to stay clear of google, but with an iPhone I just can't help myself :-(