View Full Version : Anyone play guitar ?

17-04-13, 10:25
When im anxious i find that the tv is fab for distracting my mind, but i dont want to keep relying on the tv i realised i need a hobby!(apart from knitting :D)
So ive brought a guitar off my friend and brought cd's/books, just wondered does anyone play guitar and how'sbest to start off?

I used to play flute/drums (big contrast lol!) so have some musical background there....

17-04-13, 10:35
Good luck Natt, I've always wanted to play the guitar - I think it'll be a great way to use your time constructively. I know what you mean about relying on the tele, I just put it on for some noise in the background and company!!

17-04-13, 10:37
I play 12 string guitar. I started off just playing the guitar I found in the cubby hole at home for a few hours a day, just trying to make tunes and nice sounds. Then mum got me a guitar tutor book which was mildly helpful, but would improve technique. Then I went my own way with it and ended up with a unique style of playing :D

17-04-13, 12:12
Get a book, or look online for all the basic major and minor chords, and learn to play these first. Once you get used to the finger positions and strumming them, start learning to play them with different right hand picking patterns.

A nice easy example is if you hold a d major chord, then use the picking pattern 4, 3, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 2 ( where 4 is the d string, 3 the g, 3 the b, and 1 the top E ).

You can then use this pattern on any chords, try playing it twice with a D chord, then change to A major but instead of starting the pattern on the D string, start on the A string ( the root note of the chord ), so it would be 5,3,2,3,1,2,3,2

Once you get the hang of different picking patterns like this, you can put together different combinations of chords and patterns, and even though it is fairly basic, it teaches a lot about left and right hand co-ordination, and also sounds nice and musical while you do it.

This will give you enough to play a lot of popular songs and put tunes together. Once you are comfortable with these,then look at things like barre chords, scales etc....

17-04-13, 12:56
I don't play guitar, but youtube is great for lessons/tuition of all kinds. Good on you for picking up a new hobby. I bet you'll find it helps your anxiety a lot. Go you!