View Full Version : leukemia fear

17-04-13, 12:01
I certainly have HA, been going on far too long. In the early 90s I was okay we did not have the Internet, unaware about 99% types of cancer/conditions. I do seem to remember back in 1998 when my Dad lost his father shaking the hand of the person doing the service (could not stop washing my hands afterwards well I was able to eat something.)

Sorry once again for what seems like I am taking over the forum.

Even though trying to stay away from Daily Mail with an article this
week about someone who had leukemia died. Over the last year I had fear leukemia as well as the other threads I have posted about about the cancers I have feared.

Trying not to google or looking at sites/forums apart from this site.

I am sure when going to the doctors that their look out for other things by just looking at you, examination the doctor may perform and the symptoms you have given. I did have some joint pain last year in February due to walking home in the snow, doctors could not feel anything what seems to be wrong and worrying since physio person did the same with my leg pain

I am not losing weight, loss appetite (none of my family have been big eaters) I am sure when I had the fear of bowel cancer the doctor feeling my abdomen would have felt something. I had ultrasound my spleen was not enlarged and others.

I don't have any unusual bleeding and brusing I cannot explain. I don't look pale.

17-04-13, 13:52
Hi if it helps at all when i took a young boy to the doctor with unusual symptoms he was on a ward for a leukaemia investigation within 4 hours xx