View Full Version : positive news finaly

17-04-13, 12:31
iv been admited to a day service...
Acute day tretment unit....
I get picked up and droped back home..its 7 days a week ..and they have 4 group sessions that run hear..hear goes the spelling....
Relaxation group..then latter phcycolagy group..then group descusions...then latet a group quiz..its a realt nice building with about 15 of us and has a nice tv room.a quite room.a rest room if you are tired..and a art room..and a snack and coffie room...really good mix of people in hear just like me and worse...friendly staf team and you get assighned a key worker and a care plan is put in place for you..and you get to see there doctor hear.so all good stuff..i hope to meet new people hear and it makes me feel at home with all the other people..very much non judgemental...well lets see how this all goes....im going to pass on the no more panic forum ..so watch out for new members....

17-04-13, 12:42
Sounds great, I'd love to have the opportunity to work with something like that.

For me, the anxiety and depression are worse in that sometimes I think I'm the only person around that feels like this, being with others would be brilliant for me.

Hope you enjoy it and it goes well for you

17-04-13, 12:53
greg, i had seen some of your other posts and i am so pleased that you have the day treatment unit. its really lovely to hear you use the word 'positive'. A long way to go yet I know but its great that you shared this news as it makes me very happy for you. Keep on posting!!

17-04-13, 13:04

That's great news,more help on hand when you need it.
Is it just for a week? Or on going. Wish we had something like that,what part of the UK you in?

Make the most of the services,you are very lucky to be given this with the cuts in the nhs
What a turn around for you. I am so pleased for you.

Keep us updated how it goes for you.

17-04-13, 13:20
Hi and thanks guys..im in heartfordshire...a town called Watford...just had a relaxation class..never worked for me before ,but this had som points where i actually found my self dropping into a quite zone and belief i was there.its very structured and very relaxed..and now im sitting in a tv room with 15 strangers..But i dont feel like a stranger..how funny is that..i feel at home and def not alone...i think i could be hear for several weeks.and they re asses you again and maybe refere you back to the chrises team..so i really need to make the most out of this time..

17-04-13, 19:20
hi greg
thats really good news...
yes please keep us posted as to how its going.

17-04-13, 19:52
Greg that is brilliant news, am really glad for you. Keep us posted on how it goes

Karen x

17-04-13, 20:08
Really pleased that things have started moving Greg, have been following your posts and I know that you have had a been having a rough time. Glad things are finally picking up for you . :)

17-04-13, 20:09
Greg I can't tell you how pleased I am to hear this news and especially you sounding so positive about it :D Really happy that you are getting something positive to help you at last. :)

17-04-13, 21:09
That's brilliant news Greg, so glad to hear you're finally getting the help you need.

Good luck :hugs:

17-04-13, 21:20
So pleased that you are being given some treatment. EJ

17-04-13, 21:40
Thanks giys..Yes finally..iv pushed and pushed and iv pushed.all buttons all door bells .i had to argue with my chrises team .telling them this is my body that they are playing with and i want to be in control of what goes in it and what helps it..after a leanthly descusion i got what they should have gave me years ago..
Well it will be a big step for me tom as they are going to sugest coming off trazadone.he told me that is typicle gp style..old medication..he said gp only have the power to give certain meds and after all fails with them.you get refered to the big guys who om with.where they have the power and knowledge of newer drugs..so ill be getting modern drugs to help my anxiey and for treeting my sleep insomnia problems...

18-04-13, 10:15
Well i hope today goes well..I havnt woke feeling in a possitive frame of mind..ahhrrrr..woke feeling instantly negative and the old dull panic feeling....everything i saw clear yesterday..seems dark and not possible today..i hate these highs and low's....

18-04-13, 10:24
This always happens for me in the morning, but it doesn't have to affect your day! Look at it subjectively, this is just chemicals stored up while I've been asleep, today can and will be a good day, today is positive, I'll just keep going even if I feel bad...

18-04-13, 11:33
as Pancho sais, remaining positive even if you dont feel that way does make a difference. It isnt easy to do, especially if like you, Greg, you feel particularly down but it does help even if the efforts seem futile sometimes. You keep your chin up if you can. Are you going to the day centre every day of the week?

18-04-13, 14:10
Im at the center now..iv been given a new meds today at 12pm..iv started to become very very tired...they have put me on a very small dose because of my bad tolerance ro meds and the side effects...well i hope something good happens..
Im hear 5 days a week and chrises team have now discharged me over to this team..so once they think im ok to continue without there support they will discharge me also and with a care plan of some kind...so i realy need to make the most of this hear..my own concern is that ill be hear for a few weeks and then ill get discharged and find the quiet life on my own again hard..

18-04-13, 15:23
Greg I hope they keep giving you the support until you feel ready to move on and not when they think. I hope the new meds work well for you too. What have they given you? :hugs:

18-04-13, 15:38
I am really delighted for you - great news - sounds like a marvellous step forward.

19-04-13, 10:07
Thankyou guys for support as allways..iv posted a New possitive post today....