View Full Version : I have had enough

21-09-06, 20:09
I have had anxiety problems since I was 13 and I am now 30 It has become so bad that yesterday Ijust lay in my bed crying and distraught. I have been to the doctors over the years many times with diffrent ailments. Two months ago I took antidepressants whihc helped a litte but didt really help with the anxiety so I stopped the course. One week ago I started to feel like I was swaying ever so slightly and I still feel like that now so Iwent back to the doctor who said it could be an inner ear thing but didnt look or anything at my ears and my ears were only sore a few days before but cleared up in one day so it cant be my ears then she prescribed me different antidepressants which I took that made me feel awful I was crying and swaying baddly and now my legs are twitching. I can stop worrying I cant go on like this.

Two heads
21-09-06, 21:15
Hi there!
Im sorry your feeling so bad at the moment sweet ,but as you known with this horrid anxiety it comes agoes alittle all the time.
Maybe try taking the meds fora little longer.Im on citalopram and i had very anxious time to begin with and found they didnt really help at frist.Then by month three i noticed the differents!
some meds really do take a long time to work.
Have you tryed CBT,YOGA?
maybe even the gym hun!

21-09-06, 23:18
Hey hun its hard i know but you must get it in your head that anxiety is just nasty thoughts that dwell ,, if we let them. Sounds like you havent been well ,and that will not help at all.Meds can help but to be honest do you know whats the biggest help ......YOU,have you read claire wekes she helped me tons and still does .Changing the thoughts fron neg to pos really helps babe,If you wanna chat more pm me ok.

22-09-06, 01:25
CBT and yoga are great suggestions. I tried both and my cbt group has worked better than anything before and I am off meds completely now. Have you read the book by sam obitz or tried doing TEA forms or any of the other thought countering exercises? They really work if you do them regularly. Good luck, you can get better!

22-09-06, 09:30
The swaying thing might be to do with vertigo, although I'm not really sure what causes it or anything. I do know it's not dangerous though, so you could google it and see!

20-10-06, 20:15
How are you faring these days loulou? I hope you are feeling better now.