View Full Version : Anxiety over new job

17-04-13, 18:26

I've not been on here in about six months or so but I'm posting to see if anyone could give me some advice. I started having anxiety, being nervous, rapid heart beat, chest pains last year just after I left university. I believe it was the change from leaving university and going into a job which brought it on. I managed to get a job after a few months of leaving university and within two weeks of being at that job I began to settle in and have been near enough fine since. However before starting the job I was a wreck with worry and crying a lot! anyway I've been at this job for just over seven months. However a few weeks ago I found out the company I work for is having staff cutbacks and guess what I lost my job!

I finished my job about two weeks ago and I've been applying for jobs over the past two weeks. A few days ago my old anxiety began to return! and the last day or so I've felt it a bit worse. The worrying is down to being nervous for interviews and the thought of having to go into a new work place. I know once I've been there a few weeks I should get use to it but the anxiety just won't go away. I've been having chest pains due to the anxiety and was wondering if anybody has any tips on how to cope with the chest pains and the anxiety? I'm on 20 mg of propranolol but I'm not sure they do anything to be honest!

Any tips would be greatly appreciated! :D
Thanks :)

17-04-13, 19:46
If you don't think your medication is helping then maybe you should see your doctor to review your medication. Maybe your doctor could also refer you for counselling.