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View Full Version : Spoke to GP - not sure I'm happy with this

17-04-13, 20:12
I've been on and off work since February with anxiety/depression. I didn't think I was depressed, and that it's come about because of the constant anxiety and my present situation. My medication's been changed from Citalopram to Mirtazapine, and gradually increased to 45mg a night. My main anxiety is sleep, or rather lack of it, and the only thing that gives me a good night's seep is Zopiclone. I'm still waiting for CBT, and have been on the list for a couple of months now.

I spoke to the doctor again today, and said that although I feel a lot better than I did, I still can't sleep, get constant headaches and feel anxious a lot of the time. All my doctor's suggested is that I keep on with the Mirtazapine and sleeping tablets - as the benefits of sleeping far out weighs the very low feelings I was getting, and that I should see this as 'helping me get by' whilst I wait for the CBT.

I don't really want to keep taking the sleeping tablets, but can't see what else I can do. Sadly, I feel the NHS haven't helped me at all.


17-04-13, 20:47
I can see the point of sleeping tablets as a short-term measure, but if it's been 2 months now then it seems to be becoming more of a long-term thing. I think I would be concerned too.

Is there any kind of input the mental health team can give you while you wait for CBT?

18-04-13, 18:46
Hi Edie

The Mental Health Team are hopeless. I've explained how desperate I feel, but still I have to wait my turn. I've been assigned a specific person to talk to/deal with, but I've only spoken to her once. All other times it's either answerphone or she gets a colleague to call me back.

S x