View Full Version : Really ODD afternoon.

Fly away Katie
17-04-13, 21:40
Has one of these odd things ever happened to anyone? I'm very confused and worried right now :/

I went to the gym earlier and hadn't been in ages, so took it steady.

No.1. weird thing that happened: My left wrist and a little higher up my arm developed this horrible prickly, pins and needles feeling (which I still have now when i touch my arm) It aches quite a bit as well... other wrist is completely fine.

No.2. THIS one set me off on a MASSIVE panic attack and I had to leave the gym crying :( I was having a shower and looked at the floor, the light above was really bright and obviously the wet shower floor reflected it... and I looked up and my eyes felt like id had cameras flashing in them (you know that annoying feeling you get after a camera flash blinds your eyes a bit)... Well that feeling went on for around an hour and i was absolutely TERRIFIED. (it was so bad at one point, I couldn't even read a text) It's gone now, thank GOD.

Ive had LOADS and LOADS of anxiety symptoms but NEVER these two. Has anyone else ever had similar? :weep:

Please shed light if possible. Too scared to sleep tonight :( xxxx

17-04-13, 22:26
My anxiety has been awful recently and I have experienced the same sensations as you - I am hoping it is just anxiety too! Anxiety does all kinds of strange things!

17-04-13, 23:03
No 2 used to scare me too! I found out why it happens recently and I feel so much better now.

It happens to me after exercise and if I'm in an environment with artificial light. It's down to dehydration mainly, as far as I remember. I don't think it's even linked to anxiety. It makes you feel sort of dizzy, right? Also I am light sensitive, maybe you are as well? So a combination of dehydration, light sensitivity, and being in an environment with artificial lights can make this happen. Having a rest and a drink will make it go away, along with the knowledge that it's a natural reaction to being dehydrated.

No 1 I'm not as sure about, although I think it might be to do with blood circulation - pins and needles happen when you sit funny and you reduce the blood circulation. You might have held your arm in a funny position or something. If you still are feeling it now, there's a chance it could be psychosomatic - you're remembering how it felt and you're feeling weird about it.

Anyway, both those things are natural, short-term reactions to normal things and it's all ok now. Getting as much sleep as you can will help you, so relax and sleep :)

Mr m anxious
18-04-13, 11:08
I have prickly sensations in my chest quite a lot, I also worry about this. Read somewhere on here that this is due to over sensitised nerve endings, I have also mentioned this to two doctors and neither seemed to bother. It happens to me when I have been active like walking for 1/2 hour with my dog.

18-04-13, 11:11
I've had these symptoms too - they are really common anxiety symptoms! Although they are scary, they will not hurt us, and it's important to realise that they are common, and don't mean anything bad :)

Mr m anxious
18-04-13, 11:17
Well said k1982, we have to ignore them, hope I can take this avice too.