View Full Version : really worried about my neck

18-04-13, 00:01
Hi everyone...sorry I had to come back and post again and I'm not sure if anyone can help with this...I have had neck pain for almost 2 months now...I have been going to physiotherapy for it and the therapist has been treating the sternocleidomastoid muscle...unfortunately it hasn't helped. It all started on the right side of the neck...but now it's in the right side, the left side, front and back as well...it hurts to move my head in any direction. There is also pain in my collarbone, my right ear and in my head. I saw my doctor yesterday about it and he sent me for an x-ray. I just went today so no results yet...
As I have posted before I've been suffering from sinus problems since December and was diagnosed as hypothyroid in February. I will see an ENT on June 4th, unless of course this gets a lot worse....I can't help thinking that all the neck pain is from the spread of either a sinus, thyroid or throat cancer....I'm, at the point I hope the x-ray shows have arthritis...I never thought I'd actually be hoping I had arthritis....I'm just so very worried that this is something really serious and it's too late to do anything about it. Hopefully the doctor will have the x-ray results tomorrowbut I'm sure they will show that there is no structural problems with the vertebrae...which pretty much leaves all the nasty stuff still in play...Thx for reading and hopefully someone can help put my mind at ease....as I said..I'm pretty scared right now

18-04-13, 17:28
no one has anything?.....

18-04-13, 23:40
Hey angrry :)
Maybe no one has posted anything because it sounds like you maybe just need to see what the xray says?
Anyway, I don't know your whole history but I know that when I get stressed out I get a lot of back and shoulder pain ... I get really tensed up, and of course the more I worry the worse the pain gets lol :/
So it could be that your anxiety is causing the head and neck pain? Try to calm down while you wait for the results and maybe have some chamomile tea or do something that you enjoy doing to take your mind off of it.
I know I hate going to the dr bc I don't want to know what I might have or don't want to wait for the results, so i would not want to be in your shoes, but it is just part of the process! you will not get worse while waiting, no matter what the problem is ... well, I guess UNLESS the problem is anxiety! lol
So the best thing to do is to calm down and just relax, have fun, go see a movie or something.
good luck xxxx

19-04-13, 03:17
I have battled neck pain for years. I was in a car accident three years ago, and the SCM was the main muscle affected after my whiplash. Over the years the muscle tension has spread throughout my entire back and neck on and off. It is very difficult, so I can definitely empathize with you.

I would not be surprised though that it is spreading, as that can happen. All of our muscles are connected. Anxiety doesn't help the tension either.

A chiropractor and massage have helped me the most over the years, although I feel like I have tried it all sometimes.

For temporary relief, maybe use some ice on it. That helps me more than heat does.

24-04-13, 17:46
ty Carrieon and swgrl09....I got the results of my xray yesterday and apparently I have bone spurs in my neck...I see my doc on Friday to go over the results and discuss what, if anything needs to be done...I'm still really scared about my sinuses and throat..but I that's a separate issue I guess