View Full Version : Constant Battle

18-04-13, 07:36
So I'm currently trying really hard to come off meds and find different ways of coping with my HA.

I'm taking some exercise and eating healthily, have joined a slimming group and signed up for CBT so I'm hopefuly I can learn how to deal with this without medication.

Thing is I have one little niggly thing and I wanted to post to see if anyone else can relate to it.

I keep thinking I need to go for an eye test purely because I haven't been for years, I have floaters but I've had them for years and they aren't there all the time, but apart from that my eyesight seems ok.

Thing is I'm absolutely petrified of an eye test, I know they can detect lots by the health of your eyes and I'm sure this is just the good old HA but I'm sure that I'm going to be told I have eye cancer or something else bad.

Everyone thinks I'm mad but I just can't shake this fear and wondered if anyone else was scared of eye tests. I know serious eye disorders such as cancer are rare but because I haven't been for so long my brain is saying well if you have something it will be fatal because your eyes haven't been checked for years.

I hate this HA overall I feel like I'm doing better but there's always something niggling!

27-07-13, 08:26
I will also join slimming group and will tell about my experience.

27-07-13, 08:38
I recently had to have an eye test, because I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Was scared to death too. I started having floaters, oddly enough since the results came back okay they have completely gone away.

The brain does strange things when you convince yourself there is something wrong. You should get a standard eye test, they aren't painful in anyway, doesn't take to long. If your eye sight seems okay to you, there is really unlikely to be anything wrong.

27-07-13, 09:00
I have floaters and they don't go away but I don't always notice them. You should go for the eye test because your worry is just going to keep niggling at you until you do. Tell the optometrist that you have anxiety and that you are very anxious about getting your eyes tested. I would keep taking the meds until you start counselling. Your eye test will be fine just go and get it done.

27-07-13, 11:25

thanks for the replies, I had a CBT session yesterday and was discussing the eye test, she said exactly the same thing, that it's going to keep worrying me until I get it done and problems are rare.

I'm just going to have to bite the bullet on this one and get it done!