Stress head Rach
21-09-06, 23:29
Well Im here yet again with the old PALPS.... Dad was taken to Hospital last Sunday with Pnumonia and while he was there they said his heart had gone irregular with the effect of the fluid on his lungs.....so guess what !!!!! Since he has been diognosed im feeling like mine is fluttering.... But i take my pulse and it is ok, I got my husband to listen and he said ... well its fine ... normal rythum... but i can feel bubbling sensations....Husband says it is wind because it tends to go when i do a burp... I just am sick of them coming and going!...when Dad was in there I was strong but I think the stress of it all is hitting me now. Other night heart was pounding in bed like a cartoon character....want it to end... had a really good weeek the week before... hardly any awareness of my beats then wham ... every piggin beat.... I KNOW IT IS ANXIETY but I still get scared!

22-09-06, 09:53
Poor you! So sorry to hear you are feeling this way and worrying too!

But you have had genuine problems this week with your father etc and so you are justified in worrying as anyone would although I am sure it will be fine. The thing is with this thing its totally illogical. the amount of times I concentrate on something else and my breathlessness disappears is amazing and each time I tell myself 'phew it was just anxiety' but like you said as soon as those symptoms reappear in the dark of night I am convinced they are caused by anything but anxiety!

I went through an awful phase at the end of August (worst yet) and the doc has put me on Propranolol which has stopped the palps completely. I still am anxious and worry in my head but the actual palps have ceased and that is one less thing for me to think about/worry over.

Try and keep positive - you sound very sensible and logical in your thinking so try and stick with that (easier said than done i know)
Take Care

22-09-06, 09:57
Hello Hun,

I know how you feel, i suffer with eptopic beats which i find really scary, i used to be like you, i could feel every beat and when it went faster i used to panic like mad until i had a 24 ECG done and they told me everything was fine and now even though i get eptopic beats i dont worry about it so much.

hope this helps a little

Take care

Liz xx

22-09-06, 11:42
well you have had genuine reason to worry this week...so no wonder your palps have come back, i have been the same this week, and even had to go for an ecg at the hospital yesterday-it was normal just fast....but this doesnt stop me worrying.i get the flutter bubbling ectopic feeling and heart pounding...i think a lot has to do with me focusing so much upon my heart and examining every sodding beat!!
I have found over the last few days that drinking ice cold water with ice in helps (worth a try!)
hope you feel better soonx

Stress head Rach
22-09-06, 18:43
Thank you so much for your kind replies....... feel better for it!

23-09-06, 18:05
Hi Rach, all of the replies you've had are right. You are very stressed at the mment and your heart is just doing what hearts do when flooded with adrenaline so try to take some deep slow breaths and you will eentually be able to bring the palps down. Iknow this because years ago I had the very same thing hapen to me. My sister had Tachycardia and my dadhad a heart attack - this convinced me that I was next, so a had palps that lasted for hours at first, very very frigtening. I had loads of tests and all said I was fine, I learnt to control the palps through slowing down the breathing and now I just get the occasional ectopics that I've on'y just realised are ectopics! (thanks to this website).

You have a lot on your plate at the moment, just take each day as it comes and if the docs say your heart is fine, then everytime you get the palps just stop what your're doing for a minute and carry on when you have calmed down.