View Full Version : Rib, stomach and other weird sensations.

18-04-13, 10:32

I have posted a few times recently because I have been worried that I have something awful wrong with my kidneys. Had back pain (docs said sprain) and convinced myself it was something else then had dipstick urine tests which always show trace blood (I can't see it). Anyway, doctors not concerned (have seen several) and said that the trace blood is something I have always had and because it was investigated (6 years) previously it is not significant.

Anyway, since then my back pains went and I have had all sorts of other pains and weird things.

Firstly, I get sharp stabbing pains which appear in any part of my tummy and come and go. I have also had odd aches in back and in my legs.

The next thing is this weird feeling I have in my lowest rib area on my left side. Basically it doesn't hurt but feels annoying, rather like the rib is stuck or in a funny position. Again, my doc examined me along both ribs and under and said all felt normal.

Could all this be related to anxiety like the docs suggest? I have found that there seems to be all sorts of pains and aches and random things happening and try to tell myself that the fact that I keep getting lots of different symptoms it is most likely anxiety. I have been checking my body a lot and bruised the sides of my torso through prodding and poking. :weep:

Finally, I am really worrying about a plain x-ray I had done. I had got myself into such a state recently that I found a chiropractor who does X-rays. I went along and he xrayed me. When he had the results he asked me if I had any kidney problems and I freaked out because of my fears about kidney cancer. He showed me the xray and said that the kidneys don't normally show on plain X-rays and then pointed to a roundish black area (left side at bottom of ribs). He said he didn't know what it was. I was so terrified that I went to A andE and told them. The doc said that the chiro shouldn't have been doing that and said that black areas on plain xray are gas!!! She went on to say that it could have been my stomach (empty as not eaten) or a big gas bubble. I felt better and then went home and found the X-rays I had completed 6 years ago looking at my kidneys and could see a very similar black shape in the same area. This reassured me, but I keep thinking about it and worrying that it might be something bad. Since then I have noticed the rib sensation on the same side, but prior to that I hadn't had any problems in that area at all.

Sorry for the long post, I just wanted to get it all out.

Sarah x

Mr m anxious
18-04-13, 10:56
The fact that your x rays 6 years go showed same black shadow and you re still alive proves its nothing to worry about. Ain't this anxiety thing horrible!

18-04-13, 11:15
It is indeed. I keep looking at the old xray then thinking about the latest one (chiro kept it). I find myself questioning things like is it exactly the same? The latest one was rounder.....I have been online looking at X-rays to try and get reassurance. Have to say that everything I read says gas is black on plain X-rays.

Mr m anxious
18-04-13, 11:20
That should be enough reassurance but don't google anymore just incase you read something negative, I am managing to leave google alone now and feeling more relaxed cos of this.