View Full Version : I can't go back to how I was!

18-04-13, 10:32
Hi everyone
I was a regular poster on here last year when I was suffering terrible HA but I had CBT and was much better.
However, last week I got anxious about my Dad's health and now I've gone full on back into my HA mode!
I can't eat, feel shaky, sweaty, my legs feel like lead. I'm convinced I have either MS or some kind of cancer.
I CANNOT bear the thought I will go back to how I was last year.
I wasn't able to go into work today so am working from home. Yesterday I went in but thought I was going to pass out or have a panic attack.
how can I stop it please?!?!??

Mr m anxious
18-04-13, 10:48
I can relate to this, I get fed up of being anxious, I often wish I cold go back to the way I was happy and pain free. I also worry about ms despite being told numerous times it's highly unlikely I have it. Interestingly enough I have just been reading how stress effects the nervous system (which unfortunately gives us ms, brain tumour, cancer like symptoms) and it says the only way to reset your system is to relax are "noisy minds" and also says having chiro can help. Easy for me too say but don't worry there are thousands of people in the same boat as you, let's sort out minds and body's out then hopefully the future will bring us happiness. Good luck

18-04-13, 10:54
Hi miggymoggy,

I'm going through something similar. I have previous had trouble with health anxiety, depression etc but was doing well for a long time. About a month ago I had a bad bad panic attack worrying about having a brain tumor, and now I am barely coping. I don't know how I can come through this, and it's tough.

I guess all I can say is that there are other people like you, and we are all here for you, and we will all get through this together.

What worked for you last time, aside from CBT? Can you practice your CBT on yourself? I've been trying distraction/mindfulness at the moment, but the moment I get myself into a reasonable place the voice in my head tells me that my fogginess/detachment/concentration is from a neurological problem and I won't get better, and I cycle through it all again.

I'm also supposed to be working tomorrow. I'm a doctor, and I am so worried about going into work because I don't have a clear mind and I am worried that I will forget what to do, not be able to treat patients properly etc.

Does anyone have any other suggestions to help?


18-04-13, 11:27
Thanks for your replies. It helps to know other people feel the same.

I HATE, HATE, HATE this horrible churning anxiety feeling in the stomach. and the more Ithink about it, the more anxious I get about it and so it continues in one horrendous vicious circle.

CBT really helped me last time, but it takes a while to get appts through.

Hypnotherapy has also helped with my anxiety in the past, so I may try that again.

Does anyone hear read/watch The Secret?